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Updated: August 24, 2024

I tell yo', Jim, it war pitiful. "When I told 'em I war an American, they opened ther arms ter me ter once, 'nd took me in. What questions they asked! And when I told 'em about ther broad acres in Texas, how they cud go thar and each in a few months or years own his own farm half a mile squar, how ther eyes flashed 'nd ther faces glowed!

She looked it over and then sed: 'It's a beauty, shore, 'nd now, Nora, give it back ter ther gentleman. I sed: 'I don't want it. I want Nora ter have it. "'Shore nuff? sed ther mother. "'Shore, sed I. "'Then, Nora, sed ther mother, 'kiss the gentleman for the gift. Would yer believe it, Jim, thet shy girl come and put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"Wall, I dunno; I reck'n ye can't most always tell till ye try. Take a whiff, 'nd see how she goes!" And Shorty handed him his pipe, which he had just refilled with whittlings of black "navy plug." "Derned if I don't try it!" said Si, as he took the pipe and began to puff with great energy.

Yeh be responsible for th' lady, if she's wanted, will yeh?" "Positively." "I gottuh have her name 'nd add-ress." "Is that essential?" "Sure. Gottuh protect myself 'n case anythin' turns up. Yeh oughttuh know that." "I don't want it to come out," Maitland hesitated, trying to invent a plausible lie. "Well, any one can see how you feel about it." Maitland drew a long breath and anticipated rashly.

And yet Later in the afternoon, when she sat drinking a lonely cup of tea by a lonely fireside, the questioning, probing mood returned again; the significant "and yet" still left the last conclusion without any finality. Looking backward, a sense of resentment seemed to creep over her; a combative desire to get even with Fate about many things while there was time nd opportunity.

Well, you kin see how it wuz that so many uv us liked Bill; he had soothed our hearts, there's nothin' like sympathy after all. Bill's po'try hed heart in it; it didn't surprise you or scare you; it jest got down in under your vest, 'nd before you knew it you wuz all choked up. I know all about your fashionable po'try and your famous potes, Martha took Godey's for a year.

"Dad told you t' come here 'nd stay t' supper, did he? What's come over him?" said the girl, with a sort of audacious humor. "Dad has an awful grutch agin preachers," said Mrs. Bacon, as she wiped her hands on her apron. "I declare, I don't see how " "Some preachers, not all preachers," laughed Pill, in his mellow nasal. "There are preachers, and then again preachers. I'm one o' the t'other kind."

'By the finish of my last letter to you which I trust was prolix enough I was at Smyrna, and had informed you of my visiting in this country its nobles and princes: and I think mentioned something of a visit I paid to Ali Bey, the Governor of Idun a country to the Nd. of Smyrna, whose capital is Magnesia, where the residence of the Governor is.

"I know she is," said Champney emphatically; "and the more we know of her the better. You'll laugh at my experience when you have heard it; but first let us have the whole of yours." "You know, of course, where Mr. Van Ostend lives?" Champney nodded. "Did you happen to notice the orphan asylum just opposite on nd Street?" "No; I don't recall any building of that sort." He smiled.

But what's the use uv harrowin' up one's feelin's talkin' 'nd thinkin' about these things? Leander got so after a while that the cyclopeedy didn't worry him at all: he grew to look at it ez one uv the crosses that human critters has to bear without complainin' through this vale uv tears.

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