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By discreet manipulation Maitland worked the car down to the street floor again, and Hickey with a grunt that might be interpreted as an apology for his incredulity, jumped in. "Let 'er rip!" he cried exultantly. "Fan them folks out intuh th' street, Bergen, 'nd watch ow-ut!"

The latter part of our journey lay thro' a pass in the mountains from the summit of which the Valley of Magnesia suddenly burst on our view, with the town on the eastern side at the foot of a perpendicular rocky mountain very like the rock of Gibraltar, but if anything higher, more craggy, and bold: the valley that lay before us, bounded on the W. by a ridge of regular round topped hills, and to the Nd. the eye could not reach the extent of this immense plain, which is covered with vines, and fig trees, corn, and tobacco, the best in Natolia.

Hickey fumbled for the electric light switch but, finding it, immediately shut the glare off again and left the car in darkness. "Safer," he explained, sententious. "Anisty'll shoot, 'nd they says he shoots straight." Floor after floor in ghostly strata slipped silently down before their eyes. Half-way to the top, approximately, Hickey's voice rang sharply in the volunteer operator's ear.

When'll yeh be in?" "I'll leave a note for you with O'Hagan. Is that all?" "Yep that is, there's somethin' else...." "Well?" "Excuse me for mentionin' it, but I didn't know it ain't generally known, yeh know, 'nd one uh th' boys might've heard me speak tuh yer lady by name 'nd might pass it on to a reporter.

"Wal, we sot deown together, 'nd she was so purty I stowed away a mouthful, hardly thinkin' 'nd I run one o' these here main off-shutes from the backbone of a ten-pound cod, abeout tew inches up into the shrouds 'n' riggin' o' my left-hand upper jaw.

"Yo's mighty kind, old friend," said the sick man; "but, Jim, I wanter tell yo', if we should be diserpinted, yo'll find inside my trunk a little trunk, and in thet yo'll find things all fixed ter tell yer what ter do. I 'ranged it when yo' war away, not knowin' what mount be. Remember one thing mo': everything's all right 'nd goin' ter be right.

"We know how and we're very much obliged. But we must pay for it, you know." "I can't take a cent and it makes me feel bad t' have yer talk about it. Have yer seen them fellers yit?" "Oh, yes. They called on us and we returned the call. We didn't happen to be at home when they called, though," said Dick. "They come here t' your camp?" "Yes. They certainly came." "'nd you not here?" "No."

Goes Tiger Tail's camp, 'bout six mile. Hooray! Charley Tommy 'nd your man there. No, went away this mornin'. They say think so on Osceola trail. That's the trail the squaws was on, 'nd we lost it." "Can't we cut across to that trail and head them off, or catch up with them?" "I asked 'em. They say: 'No good, trail bad, trail to Charley Tiger good, then go Osceola trail.

"There: that'll sting a bit, but not long.... But suppose, Pete, I'd get a lot of money by marrying?" "No matter how mush y'get, 'tain't enough!" "I'm inclined to think you're about right, Pete." "You bet I'm right. I'm married 'nd I know." Nat finished dressing the cut, smoothed down the ends of the adhesive tape, and stood back. "That's all right, now. Go home, wash your face, and sleep it off.

And the more I think on 't, the more I reckon that Bill will plead to win that mercy, for, like as not, the little ones my Allie with the rest will run to him when they see him in his trubble and will hold his tremblin' hands 'nd twine their arms about him, and plead, with him, for compassion.