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Elder Pill was on the best terms with them as he watched the milk being skimmed out of the "submerged cans" ready for the "caaves and hawgs," as Mrs. Buttles called them. "Uncle told you t' come here 'nd stay t' supper, did he? What's come over him?" said the girl, with a sort of audacious humor. "Bill has an awful grutch agin preachers," said Mrs. Buttles, as she wiped her hands on her apron.

S'posen sum of us was to meet up with that skunk accidental: are we to let him slip jest because yuh don't happen to be cavortin' around conteegious? I, fer one, won't, an' right here I gives yuh notice." "Besides," he drawled softly, "I've got a privut grutch agin him of my own, an' I'm goin' to beat yuh to it if I kin." The other shook his head deprecatingly. "Don't do anything rash, Red.

"That's right," said the cow boss; "I'd hate to have him get a grutch agin me." Mose warmed with pardonable pride. He was taking high place in their ranks, and was entirely happy during these pleasant autumn days.

The use of the obsolete form would therefore be fanciful if there were no difference in the sense; but there is a useful distinction: because grudge has entirely lost its original sense of murmuring, making complaint, and is confined to the consciousness and feeling of discontent, whereas grutch is recognized as carrying the old meaning of grumble.

A savin and exceptin your ever exceptionable and noble onnur. I wouldn't a be meant to be thoft to put in a word for meself, by no manner of account; no, no; far be it from me; but in other partikillers, if so be that it wus me meself, I shouldn't a grutch her kinkdums. And ast to thwartin and knatterin and crossin the kindly sweet virginal soul, ever blessed as she is, in love, for what truly?

where, as the O.E.D. suggests, the double sense of sting and ring were perhaps intended. 'The grutching pixies hedge me round'. Grudge and #grutch# are the same word.

"Yet, if the dangers of the road weigh so heavily upon you, master alderman, it is a great marvel to me that you should venture so far from home." "And sometimes, sir knight, it is a marvel to myself. But I am a man who may grutch and grumble, but when I have set my face to do a thing I will not turn my back upon it until it be done.

An' I'm thinkin' she beirs the markis gien sae it be sae deid an' gane as he is a grutch yet, for passin' sic an offspring upo' her, an' syne no merryin' her efter an' a', an' the ro'd clear o' baith 'at stude atween them. "But wad fowk du sic awfu' ill things, mem her a merried woman, an' him a merried man?" "There's nae sayin', laddie, what a hantle o' men and some women wad du.

"Not much more'n three thousan', I'm afeared, on a mortgage; cap'tal's kind o' skeery but Tim " "Three thousand dollars!" Laughing hysterically, she fell back in her chair. "I had ought 'a come sooner; an' three thousan' ain't a gre't deal, I don't suppose, here in the city; but it's been spend, spend not that I grutch it an' things ain't so flourishin' as they was.

"Dad told you t' come here 'nd stay t' supper, did he? What's come over him?" said the girl, with a sort of audacious humor. "Dad has an awful grutch agin preachers," said Mrs. Bacon, as she wiped her hands on her apron. "I declare, I don't see how " "Some preachers, not all preachers," laughed Pill, in his mellow nasal. "There are preachers, and then again preachers. I'm one o' the t'other kind."