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Updated: August 24, 2024

Our officers 've got to practise making mud maps in the dust with a stick, and we've got to fool around and keep the flies away." "I suppose they'll keep us at this till the war's over, and then send us to England, 'nd give us a bloomin' medal, 'nd tell us then we are gory, crimson heroes.

But, of course, that could not go on, and I had the little girl placed in the orphan asylum on nd Street " He interrupted himself to say half apologetically: "I am prolix, I fear, but I am hoping you will be personally interested in this child whose future life will, I trust, be spent here far away from the metropolitan snares. I am sure she is worth your interest."

"Nason was over t'other day, helpin' me shingle my barn. 'Twas a dreadful warm day, and we was takin' our noonin' arfter dinner, settin' thar' on the log, 'nd there was a lot o' these 'ere little green grarsshoppers hoppin' areound in the grarss: so arfter a spall, we speared up some on 'em and "

Her brother played ther flute, 'nd she sung 'Tara's Harp, not scientific, but jest nateral 'nd sweet as iver a bobolink sang. "When she finished I gin her a new guinea. She didn't want ter take it, but I flung it inter her lap, 'nd then it war passed from hand ter hand ez a curiosity. Ther mother war last.

I'll stay here 'nd keep him company." His tone amused Maitland. In the reaction from the recent strain upon his wits and nerve, he laughed openly. "And who are you?" he suggested, smiling, as the policeman clumped heavily away. Hickey spat thoughtfully into a Satsuma jardiniere and sneered. "I s'pose yeh never saw me before?" Maitland bowed affirmation.

"Not quite," Maitland contradicted brusquely, wearying of the complication. "You say you met me on the stoop here. At what o'clock?" "One; 'nd yeh takes me to lunch at Eugene's." "Ah! When did I leave you?" "I leaves yeh there at two." "Well, O'Hagan will testify that he left me in these rooms, in dressing-gown and slippers at about one.

Bill never looked at her; he took off his hat and held it in his hand, 'nd turnt around 'nd stood guard over that mother, 'nd I reckon that ef any man bed darst to look that way jist then Bill would 've cut his heart out. The little yaller baby didn't cry very long.

When the Dock had got about nine dozen counted out he stopped all uv a suddint 'nd said, "Wall, come to think on 't, I reckon I don't want no eggs to-day, but I'm jest as much obleeged to you fur yer trubble." And so he jumped back into the buggy 'nd drove off. Now, maybe that fool boy wuzn't in a peck uv trubble!

The abbreviation of the names of cities, towns, villages, States, Territories, and provinces will be counted the same as if written in full. Abbreviations of weights and measures in common use, figures, decimal points, bars of division, and in ordinal numbers the affixes "st," "d," "nd," "rd," and "th" will be each counted as one word.

But before he could do it, the lady hed laid the baby on one uv her arms 'nd hed spread a shawl over its head 'nd over her shoulder, 'nd all uv a suddint the baby quit worritin' and seemed like he hed gone to sleep. When we got to York Crossin' I looked out'n the winder 'nd seen some men carryin' a long pine box up towards the baggage-car.

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