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"I don't see much chance of that." "Why not?" "Because, if he had drifted into the Straits of Minas, he'd manage to get ashore." "I don't see that." "Why, it's so narrow." "Narrer? O, it's wider'n you think for; besides, ef he got stuck into the middle of that thar curn't, how's he to get to the shore? an him without any oars? Answer me that.

And presently the rhymes begin pounding in my brain, it seems as if there were a hundred couples of them, paired like so many dancers, and then these rhymes seem to take possession of me, like a surprise party, and bring in all sorts of beautiful thoughts, and I write and write, and the verses run measuring themselves out like" "Ribbins, any narrer blue ribbins, Mr. Hopkins?

"'Twas a narrer rub, boy," rejoined the trapper. "Yis, I can see 'twas a narrer rub ye had of it, and the holes in yer shirt show that the sparks was fallin' pritty thick and pritty hot, too, when ye come out of the shanty. How does the stroke tell on ye, boy?" continued the old man, interrogatively. "Ye be pullin' a slashin' stroke, ye see, and there's five mile more of it, ef there's a rod."

The streets are so narrer that you can almost reach out your hands and touch the houses on both sides, they are not more than seven or eight feet wide.

His mumblings ceased as if her voice had penetrated his dulled ears. Then his lips moved: "The Sand Coulee Roadhouse the Sand Coulee " "Where you trapped. Remember the bear hides you brought in that spring Katie left?" "The pack's slippin' agin them saddles is far and away too narrer and them green hides weigh like lead " He ran his words together like a person talking in his sleep.

The house where she once lived wuz a not over big house of brick, no bigger nor better than Bildad Henzy's over in Zoar, and looked some like it. Josiah said it wuz so silly to poke clear over to Italy to see this little narrer house when we could see better ones to home any day. Miss Meechim said that it didn't look so genteel as she expected, and Arvilly made a slightin' remark about it.

You can walk all over Venice if you want to take the time to go furder round and cross the bridges and walk through narrer, crooked little streets, some on 'em not more'n five or six feet wide, but the easiest and quickest way is to take a boat, as well as the most agreeable. Venice is built on seventy-two islands besides the Grand Canal which takes the place of our avenues and streets.

"A hard one, people say," said Holmes, after a pause, as they walked on. He had spoken half to himself, and received no answer. Some blacker shadow troubled him than old Yare's fate. "My mother was a hard woman, you knew her?" he said, abruptly. "She was just, like yoh. She was one o' th' elect, she said. Mercy's fur them, an' outside, justice. It's a narrer showin', I'm thinkin'."

De light in de winder kep' a-burnin'! I foun' arterwards dat he an' his ossifers had been down on de creek-road and studied it all out. At one place whar it was narrer' wid tick woods on bofe sides dey had builded a high rail-fence. Den below dat he had put sogers in de woods each side widout dere hosses, an' farder down still he had hid a lot of men dat was mounted.

Very nat'rally our Gov'ment was deeply grieved at this defeat; and I said to my Bear, shortly after, as I was givin a exhibition in Ohio I said, "Brewin, are you not sorry the National arms has sustained a defeat?" What did the grizzly old cuss do, however, but commence darncin and larfin in the most joyous manner? I had a narrer escape from being imprisoned for disloyalty.