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The man turned, displaying a genial face, a red mustache, and an eye-glass. "Hullo, Chilcote!" he said. "Hope it's not on your feet I'm standing." Loder laughed. "No," he said. "And don't change the position. If you were an inch higher I should be blind as well as crippled." The other laughed. It was a pleasant surprise to find Chilcote amiable under discomfort.

"She was young and dark-haired, so the detective says. She had a curious fixed look in her eyes which attracted him, but she wore a thick motor veil, so that he could not clearly discern her features." "And her companion?" "Middle-aged, prematurely gray, with a small dark mustache." Jack Durnford sighed and stroked his chin. "Ah! Just as I thought," he exclaimed.

Brown, introspective eyes, with a merry way of shutting; heavy, dark hair and brows, and a few thoughtful lines here and there; mustache pulled down at the corners, as if by the unconscious weight of a nervously strong hand; and a firm jaw, but not squared to the point that suggests the dominance of the physical.

They elbowed their way through, and saw a flashily-dressed man with blue-black cheeks and a curling black mustache lying on the floor. He was bleeding from an ugly wound on the forehead, where he had been struck by a bottle. His assailant had slipped away, scared, and was being smuggled out of the room and down stairs by his friends. "What a shame!" ejaculated a terrified woman.

Her figure was slight; her countenance beautiful, though deadly white; and her meek eyes like the flower of the night-shade, pale and blue, but sending forth golden rays. They were attended by a tall youth of foreign aspect, who seemed a young Antinous, with a mustache and a nose a la Kosciusko. In other respects a perfect hero of romance.

He was a tall, thin, bony man, with a bolt-upright air and a most saturnine expression; his eyes were covered by a deep green shade, which fell far over his face, but failed to conceal a blue scar that crossing his cheek ended in the angle of his mouth, and imparted to that feature, when he spoke, an apparently abortive attempt to extend towards his eyebrow; his upper lip was covered with a grizzly and ill-trimmed mustache, which added much to the ferocity of his look, while a thin and pointed beard on his chin gave an apparent length to the whole face that completed its rueful character.

"How about that time he cut loose the jam of logs in the Rapide des Cedres?" said old Girard from his corner. Vaillantcoeur's black eyes sparkled and he twirled his mustache fiercely. "SAPRIE!" he cried, "that was nothing! Any man with an axe can cut a log. But to fight that is another affair. That demands the brave heart. The strong man who will not fight is a coward.

Again he parleyed for a moment then opened it to the three swarthy foreigners who had been in the restaurant. Baskinelli turned for just in instant to glance at the tall man with the tilted mustache, then resumed immediately his conversation with Pauline. "Why do all the Chinamen run away like that?" she asked. "It is the end of the service; you see the priests are going, too."

The next day something put out of action the engine of that redoubtable fighter, Baron von Hansen-Bassermann, and he planed down to the British aerodrome with his machine flaming. A dozen mechanics dashed into the blaze and hauled the German to safety, and, beyond a burnt hand and a singed mustache, he was unharmed. Lieutenant Baron von Hansen-Bassermann was a good-looking youth.

It showed the portrait of a young man with the sombre eyes and cynical mouth of the northern European, a face revealing intellect, will, passion, and much recklessness. Eyes and hair were dark, the face smooth but for a slight mustache. Natalie burst into wild tears, revelling in the solitude that gave her freedom. She pressed the picture against her face, and cried her agony aloud to the ocean.