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Mungo took the coat into the castle kitchen, the true arcanum of Doom, where he and Annapla solved the domestic problems that in later years had not been permitted to disturb the mind of the master or his daughter.

Green was so overcome that he could not speak, and poor Mungo could only say, "Good-bye, massa leptenant me tinkee you berry good man." I returned to my own vessel, and made sail for England: once more we greeted the white cliffs of Albion, so dear to every true English bosom. No one but he who has been an exile from its beloved shores can appreciate the thrill of joy on such an occasion.

"I thank you, Sir Mungo," said Nigel, who had not been able to forbear some natural feelings of an unpleasant nature during this lively detail, "I have no doubt the exhibition will be a very engaging one to you and the other spectators, whatever it may prove to the party principally concerned."

The peculiar water-mark of greatness that is woven into some men is often enough to set their own community bitter against them. Sandie, the plodding peasant, finds it a hard matter to forgive Jamie, who is taken from the plough next to his, and ends in Parliament. The affair of Mungo Maxwell, altered to suit, had already made its way on more than one vessel to Scotland.

His jaw fell; he put down the kettle again helplessly, and, in trembling tones, "Whaur did ye get the lamp?" said he. "Ah, mon vieux!" cried Count Victor, enjoying his bewilderment. "You should have locked the lady's door as well as mine. 'Art a poor warder not to think of the possibilities in two cells so close to each other." "Cells!" cried Mungo, very much disturbed.

"Ah," said she, "I know; I know! and I am so sorry. You cannot leave to-day of any day without a glass of wine for deoch-an-doruis." "I thank you, ma'am," said Doom, "but my boat is at the quay, and Mungo waits for me." "But, indeed, you must come in, Baron," she insisted. "There is something of the greatest importance I have to say to you, and it need not detain you ten minutes."

It was the original intention of Park's father to educate him for the Scottish church, for which he appeared to be well fitted by his studious habits and the serious turn of his mind; but, his son having made choice of the medical profession, he was readily induced to acquiesce. In consequence of this determination, Mungo Park was bound apprentice at the age of fifteen to Mr.

"My cash-keeper is below," said Heriot, without disturbing himself, "and he will let me know if his Grace's commands require my immediate attention." "Umph! cash-keeper?" muttered Sir Mungo to himself; "he would have had an easy office when I first kend ye.

It was regarded as a great wonder by the neighbors and even by my own all-Bible father. Boys are fond of the books of travelers, and I remember that one day, after I had been reading Mungo Park's travels in Africa, mother said: "Weel, John, maybe you will travel like Park and Humboldt some day."

Mungo, who had upheld ancient ceremony by his crude performance on the piob mhor, was the attendant upon the table, an office he undertook with his bonnet on his head, "in token," as his master whisperingty explained to Count Victor, "of his sometimes ill-informed purpose of conducting every formal task in Doom upon the strict letter of military codes as pertained in camps, garrisons, and strongholds."