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Then," mused Mr. Adams, after a pause, "maybe there ain't no real ghosts neither, but he invented the whole thing." "Maybe. What d'ye say to steppin' down an' fetchin' up another mugful o' liquor?" "I say," answered Mr. Adams slowly, "as how I won't." "Toss for it," suggested Mr. Jope. "You refuse? Very well, then, I must go. Only I thought better of ye, Bill I did indeed."

"Well, Mounzeer Governor! here's to your health, then," said Bambrick, draining off a mugful of the claret, which had been quickly tapped. "This is better tipple than the other. Here, old boy, you shall have a glass, to see if we can't put a smile into that ugly mug of yours."

The great hogshead of cider in the cellar, which my grandfather called the Indian hogshead, was on tap at all hours of the day; and many a mugful did I draw and dispense to the tribes that basked in the sunshine at our door.

As the sail caught it, we let it run off into the receptacles we had prepared. Mugful after mugful we drained. We filled our cask and buckets. The rain ceased just as we had done so, and then it fell a dead calm. But we all felt refreshed and invigorated. New life seemed put into us, and the dry morsels of biscuit and ham, which we before could not swallow, were eaten with a relish.

But do you learn anything about the fairies from the hen's chat?" "No: they have been so busy setting, they have had no time for picnics yet. But they will let us know, if they discover any." In the barn, the cows were being milked; and Daisy had a mugful of it, warm and sweet, out of the foaming pail. "We'll take some to Mrs.

I questioned Robin about Miss Hamilton's visit; she had remained with the boy some hours, reading to him and amusing him, and, in Robin's favourite language, 'getting on first-rate; only, just as I was drinking my mugful of tea, parson comes, and Miss Hamilton she says she will be late, and gets up in a hurry, and 'Wait a minute, Robin: do you mean Mr. Cunliffe or Mr. Tudor?

One mugful was not enough to do honour to such a toast, they had to be refilled and then filled up again: wine was so plentiful and so good not heady, but just a delicious white wine which tasted of nothing but the sweet-scented grape.

I did not forget my patient, meanwhile, and, with the first mugful, hurried back to him. He seemed asleep; but something in the tired white face caused me to listen at his lips for a breath. None came. I touched his forehead; it was cold; and then I knew that, while he waited, a better nurse than I had given him a cooler draught, and healed him with a touch.

I never woulded I were a bird, but I've sometimes wished I was a giraffe, on account of the long distance from his mouth to his stummuck. Hence, if he loved beer, one mugful would give him as much enjoyment while goin down, as forty mugfuls would ordinary persons. And he wouldn't get intoxicated, which is a beastly way of amusin oneself, I must say.

He confessed, indeed, that his head ached terribly, and that he felt sometimes extremely hot, and then very cold. Even a mugful of hot soup, which we got him to swallow, did not seem to do him any good; and as he was now unable to attend to Martin, I took his place. The next morning, as I feared, though Martin was slightly better, Alick was very ill and utterly unfit to proceed on the voyage.