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"Entirely, madam," Ferrani assented. "They are real Southern darkies, from Joseph, the leader, down to little Peter, who blows the motor-horn." Pamela's interest in the matter remained unabated. "I tell you it makes one feel almost homesick to hear them play," she went on, with a little sigh. "Did they come direct from the States?" Ferrani shook his head. "From Paris, madam.

The hoot of a motor-horn broke suddenly upon the silence, and Stella started. It was the horn of Major Ralston's little two-seater; she knew it well. But they had not proposed using it that night. She and Tommy were to accompany them in a waggonette. The crunching of wheels and throb of the engine at the gate told her it was stopping.

"There was a chauffeur in smart livery on an elephant, twirling a steering-wheel on its neck for dear life, and tooting a big motor-horn.. There was a fat man in a fireman's helmet and pyjamas, armed with a peashooter, riding a donkey backwards and the moke wore two pairs of trousers!... As I rubbed my poor old eyes, the devil in command howled 'General salaam.

The old dame who kept the keys of the castle rose from her supper as the honk, honk of a motor-horn broke on her startled ears. People didn't come to visit the castle at this time of night! But the purr of the engine outside her cottage, and the long beams of light flung seawards by the headlights, brought her quickly to the door.

My duties were to give instruction in scouting, but I seemed to be sounding a motor-horn in slumberland when I counselled my boys to "always keep their eyes skinned" as the genie of the village was weighting their eyelids with lead. For the first day or two we did not see the inhabitants of the village at all.

And leaning down he patted the beast's head, speaking to her in the native tongue, whereupon she made juicy, gurgling sounds in her long throat, and nuzzled the flowing sleeve, which might have meant affection in any other animal but a camel. "More extremes," he added, as a long, soft blast of a motor-horn sounded just outside the walls.

Through the stillness of the pause which followed, the bray of a motor-horn sounded far down the drive. Instantly she turned, with a last white look at him, and fled from the room and up the stairs. He stood motionless, benumbed by the shock of her last words. She was afraid, then afraid of him sick with fear of him! The discovery beat him down to a lower depth...

The Duke opened the door of the hall for her; and as she went out, she said anxiously, in a low voice: "Oh, do do be careful. I hate to think of your hurrying to Paris on a night like this. Please be careful." "I will be careful," said the Duke. The honk of the motor-horn told him that Jean had brought the car to the door of the chateau.

The note of a motor-horn down the drive gave another turn to her thoughts. "Are those the new arrivals already?" she asked. "Oh, dear, no; they won't be here till after seven." Miss Suffern craned her head from the window to catch a glimpse of the motor. "It must be Charlotte leaving." "Was it the little Wynn girl who was called away in a hurry? I hope it's not on account of illness."

I'm sure! Every shadow fled out of her face in the sudden burst of sunshine. Lord John hurried in from the garden as the motor-horn sounded louder. 'Who do you think is coming round the drive? Jean caught hold of him. 'Oh, dear! are those other people all about? How am I ever going to be able to behave like a girl who who isn't engaged to the only man in the world worth marrying!