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"But I never quote you Greek or Latin; that is surely something, and, as for thinking, would you have me a thoughtless fool or an impulsive ass?" "Anything rather than a calculating, introspective philosopher, seeing only the mote in the sunbeam, and nothing of the glory."

How do you expect to make other people sure of themselves if you are not sure of yourself? "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? "Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

"Na, whare was the through-stane, that it didna come before our een till e'enow?" said Ochiltree; "for I hae ken'd this auld kirk, man and bairn, for saxty lang years, and I neer noticed it afore; and it's nae sic mote neither, but what ane might see it in their parritch."

He must first pluck out the beam out of his own eye, then the mote out of his brother's if indeed the mote in his brother's be more than the projection of the beam in his own. To make a man happy as a lark, might be to do him grievous wrong: to make a man wake, rise, look up, turn, is worth the life and death of the Son of the Eternal. I say then to the youth:

Betty didn't invite you aboard." "Oh, that's all right!" said Betty, good-naturedly. "I'm glad they're here now let them stay. I'm so relieved to find they aren't horrid tramps. Besides, the motor may not mote and we'd need help We will make them work their passage." "Aye, aye, sir!" exclaimed Frank, pulling his front hair, sailor-fashion. "Shall we holystone the decks, or scrub the lee scuppers?

He allowed the young man to seek for, and discover, the beautiful and the good; but while he was contemplating them, the evil spirit blew one mote after another into each of his eyes; and such a proceeding would injure the strongest sight.

Or else he mote tellen his tale untrue, Or feine things, or find words new: He may not spare, altho he were his brother, He mote as well say o word as another. Christ spake himself full broad in holy writ, And well I wote no villany is it. Eke Plato saith, who so can him rede, The words mote been cousin to the dede.

The eyes under them needed to be taken on trust, they were so well concealed, but when they peered through the narrow chink between the rows of lashes, not even a mote escaped them.

"Did you never fall in love with a girl, and feel you'd do anything to get her?" This sudden change, this throwing himself upon my mercy, took me somewhat aback. In threatening to tear the mote from his eye, what about a certain obstruction in mine? He was quick to see his advantage and follow it up. "You say you heard everything. Then you must see why I thought of this plan.

As to a meeting-place, were there any small matters between man and man, these would the Alderman or one of the Wardens deal with, sitting in Court with the neighbours on the wide space just outside the Gate: but if it were to do with greater matters, such as great manslayings and blood- wites, or the making of war or ending of it, or the choosing of the Alderman and the Wardens, such matters must be put off to the Folk- mote, which could but be held in the place aforesaid where was the Doom-ring and the Altar of the Gods; and at that Folk-mote both the Shepherd-Folk and the Woodland-Carles foregathered with the Dalesmen, and duly said their say.