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Updated: August 7, 2024

The great veins started on the Parson's forehead. "Never!" he bawled. "Do your d'dest!" The Gentleman turned and turned again. "The blood of those boys be on your head, Mr. Joy!" "Let the boys answer for themselves," retorted the Parson, short and sullen. The Gentleman paused. "Little Chap," he called, "will you come? France is a fair country. You shall have Monsieur Moon-calf there for squire.

When Mrs. Woodford went upstairs she was met by the servant Nicolas, declaring that she might get whom she would to wait on that there moon-calf, he would not go neist the spiteful thing, and exhibiting a swollen finger, stung by a dead wasp, which Peregrine had cunningly disposed on the edge of his empty plate.

As soon as he was gone, Diggory, who had listened in sulky silence, began to utter his complaints. "Chicken-heart, moon-calf, awkward lubber, those be the best words a poor fellow gets. I can tell Master Walter that these are no times for gentlefolks to be hectoring, especially when they haven't a penny to pay wages with."

The year which saw the appearance of Main Street and Miss Lulu Bett saw also that of The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton's acid delineation of the village of Manhattan in the genteel seventies, given over to the "innocence that seals the mind against imagination and the heart against experience"; saw Mary Borden's The Romantic Woman, with its cosmopolitan amusement at the village of Iroquois, otherwise Chicago; and saw Floyd Dell's Moon-Calf, which, standing on the other side of controversy, lacks not only the disposition to sentimentalize the village but even the disposition to ridicule it.

By Judas Priest, when I quit the street I want to give my proxy to a lad that will make my competitors mind their step, and by keeping Matt at sea a couple of years, I'll get him over the moon-calf period. Deliver my girl and my business from the hands of a damned fool!"

He was in his jacket now, and spoke with a feverish impatience and contention that rang like anger. "But is it safe?" asked Tommy. "Safe?" bellowed the captain. "We're standing on the drop, you moon-calf! Well, if there's a man on board of her that ever clapped eyes on Trent or any blooming hand out of this brig, we'll all be in irons in two hours.

"It may possibly become one;" he replied, complacently "But to speak more plainly suppose Mr. Walden fell in love with Miss Vancourt, or Miss Vancourt fell in love with Mr. Walden, what would you say?" "Suppose a Moon-calf jumped over the moon!" said Cicely disdainfully "Saint Moses! Maryllia is as likely to fall in love as I am, and I'm the very last possibility in the way of sentiment.

I cried, "do you take such savage usage at his hands? Why, you are no slave, to be so handled!" "No," said the poor moon-calf, changing his tune at once, "and so he'll find. See 'ere"; and he showed me a great case-knife, which he told me was stolen. "O," says he, "let me see him try; I dare him to; I'll do for him! O, he ain't the first!" And he confirmed it with a poor, silly, ugly oath.

"'You ass's head! he replied, 'why should I take a single diamond and become thief No. 18, when it was in my power to steal them all? "Aha! my old father was a clever fellow! 'The devil I was! I was a moon-calf. I ought to have done as you say. I stuffed my bag full, and brought it to the pasha without arousing suspicion.

This secret was originally Miss Husted's, but after she had begged Pinac to tell Poons not to behave like a moon-calf, had asked Fico to prevent the young German from sighing audibly whenever he saw Jenny, and had finally told Von Barwig she wouldn't keep Poons in the house at any price, everybody in the house began to suspect something.

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