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There they paddle their birch canoes among the coasting schooners, and build their wigwam beside some roaring milldam, and drive a little trade in basket-work where their fathers hunted deer.

The mound or tumulus was in all likelihood a moot-hill, where justice was dispensed and the chieftains of the district were elected. In the same county, in the wild recesses of Glenesk, near Lord Dalhousie's shooting-lodge of Milldam, there is a rough granite boulder, on the upper surface of which a small human foot is scooped out with considerable accuracy, showing traces even of the toes.

They said they were going to drive out to Cambridge over the Milldam, and I said I was going out there to get some of my traps together, and they could pick me up at the Art Museum if they liked. Besides, how could I explain?" She laughed consciously with him. "Of course. But," she added ruefully, "I wish you hadn't disappointed them." "Oh, they'll get over it.

I'd like to look as fine as any of the village boys, and they don't wear homespun. But I'll have plenty of use for it." Next day he walked to Jericho Mills and paid the doctor. He went on to Milldam, buying there a handsome new outfit of clothing. Then he called to see the President of the bank that one which had set the dogs of the law on him.

Night found the army encamped on the east bank of Pine creek, above the site of the old Brier milldam. An old bayonet of the revolutionary type was long years afterward picked up in an adjoining wheat field and is now lodged in the Babcock museum at Goodland. The dangerous passes to the south had been avoided and scouts were Posted far down the stream to avoid the danger of a night attack.

Since that time, I have been concerned in the mill at New Salem. These circumstances are sufficient evidence, that I have not been very inattentive to the stages of the water. The time at which we crossed the milldam, being in the last days of April, the water was lower than it had been since the breaking of winter in February, or than it was for several weeks after.

Tunk's conscience revived suddenly and seemed to put its hand over his mouth. "Joe Beach is goin' to be a doctor," Tunk went on presently. "I advised him to study medicine," Trove answered. "He's gone off t' school at Milldam an' is workin' like a beaver. He was purty rambunctious 'til you broke him to lead." They rode then to the foot of the hill in silence.

Solus Smithers?" and as he put the question the man shot a quick glance toward his companion; at which the shorter party nodded his big head, and grinned approvingly. Paul turned to his chum. "Say, Jack, isn't that the name of the man who took the old Grimes farm up at the milldam?" he asked, though he knew positively that it was so. "Smithers why, yes, I reckon it is.

"How high is the bank?" "I don't know," answered Frank. "How high is it, father?" "About twenty feet," said Mr. Leonard. "Do you go on the river much?" asked Uncle Robert. "Oh, yes," said Donald. "We have an old boat, and we have been miles on it." "That is, downstream," said Frank. "We have never taken the boat up the river beyond the village, on account of the milldam."

But haste was becoming imperative. Cannon and musketry, mingling together, thundered on the right and in the center, while the capotes of Lannes' sharpshooters were already seen crossing the milldam and forming up within twice the range of a musket shot.