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"I'm sure mamma'll be very pleased, indeed, if you'll take the trouble to call." Then, to hide her confusion, she went on hastily, "And are YOU going to be in England, too? I thought I understood the other day from your friend you had something to do with a railway in South America."

Presently his sister asked him to go into another street; but he refused. "Mamma thaid no," was Willie's answer. "The thaid we muthn't do off thith threet," said Willie in his lisping way. "Only just a little way round the corner," said his teasing sister. "Mamma'll never know it." "But I thall know it my own thelf; and I don't want to know any thuch a mean thing; and I won't!"

So he sang this song: "Hush, birdies, hush, Please don't cry; Mamma'll be back By and by. "Nestle down close Under my fur, I'm not your mother, but I'm helping her." But this didn't seem to satisfy the birdies and they cried "cheep-cheep" harder than ever. "Oh, dear! I believe I must get them something to eat," said Uncle Wiggily.

Why, darlink, mamma'll sell her clothes off her back to get you a violin. He's a musician, Abrahm! I should have known it the way he's fooling always around the chimes and the bells in the store!" Then Mr. Kantor took to rocking his head between his palms. "Oi oi! The mother is crazier as her son. A moosician! A fresser, you mean.

Aunt Isabel is going to buy me some, you know." "Yes, I know. Let's see what you have." Ethelyn was already kneeling before Patty's open trunk, and overhauling her belongings. "Oh, here's a blue crape," she cried, "you must look sweet in this. Put it on." "Why, that's my best party-frock, Ethelyn." "Never mind; wear it to-night, and mamma'll get you some new party clothes."

Maybe it's with the junk behind the store. I never thought of that fiddle, Leon darlink wait mamma'll run down and look wait, Leon, till mamma finds you a fiddle." The raucous screams stopped then suddenly, and on their very lustiest crest, leaving an echoing gash across silence. On willing feet of haste, Mrs. Kantor wound down backward the high, ladderlike staircase that led to the brass shop.

It even seemed funny, a day or two afterward, to their alarmed elders. But at the time it was not amusing to anybody. David was gloomy at being obliged to marry Nannie; "I pretty near wish I'd stayed with Elizabeth," he said, crossly. Nannie was frightened, because, she declared, "Mamma'll be mad; now I tell you, Blair, she'll be mad!" And Blair was sulky because he had no wife.

This partly explained, for his junior, the consequent beatitude none but cheerful topics had been produced; but he questioned the girl further to a point which led her to say: "Oh I daresay that before long she'll write to her." "Who'll write to whom?" "Mamma'll write to Percy's wife. I'm sure he'd like it. Of course we shall end by going to see her.

"Good for you, Stevie!" cried papa, kissing him warmly. "I know mamma'll be glad, and I'm sure you'll be a much pleasanter boy to live with. But you must ask God to help you, or you'll never succeed, son; and besides, you've got to keep a tight watch on yourself all the time, you know."

Dotty's heart kept swelling and swelling, till presently it seemed as if there wasn't room enough in her whole body to hold it. She thought of the cheerful, orderly tea-table at home; she recalled her mother's gentle ways, her lovely face, and longed to kiss her cheek, and whisper, "Forgive me." "Mamma'll be just as patient with me," thought Dotty; "she always is!