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"No, siree! When Billy Ford and Tom Harris git a cigar it never gits away," said Mr. Pike. "Did you find out where the dead man came from and what he was doing in the village?" "He was stopping down to Hickwood with Mrs. Wilson," answered Pike. "His friend there was Charlie Scott, who's making a flying-machine that's enough to make anybody luny.

The waiter stared in open-mouthed astonishment, and with a muttered, "He's luny!" backed from the room. He sat again and drew the knife from his pocket and slid his finger along the edge. "The key to my sleeping-room," he muttered, half imagining that a vast audience was watching with bated breath. The waiter entered and he hid the knife. "Away!" he exclaimed, frowning heavily.

He was blinking stupidly and his throat was expanding and contracting with fright. "Tell us all you saw and heard and did." "I take him the brandy in. And he sit and talk to himself. And he ask for paper and ink. And then he write and look round like crazy. And he make luny talk I don't understand. And he speak what he write " Captain Hanlon was red and was looking at Wielert in blank amazement.

Have I lived to hear it from a jackanapes like you?’ And he made for Buncombe, and I had to hold them apart; and there was Adams in the middle, gone luny again, and carrying on about copra like a born fool. It was good as the play, and I was about knocked out of time with laughing, when all of a sudden Adams sat up, clapped his hands to his chest, and went into the horrors.

Seven, that was all. He was a boy of seven years, listening with an angry yet fascinated attention to the other boys talking about Old Crow, who was, they said, luny, love-cracked. He never could hear enough about the terrifying figure choosing to live up there in the woods alone, and who yet seemed so gentle and so like other folk when you met him and who gave you checker-berry lozenges.

It is certain that William Longstreet knew that steam could be used as a motive power long before it was so applied; and because he employed a good deal of his time in trying to discover the principle, he was ridiculed by his neighbors and friends, and the more thoughtless among them didn't know whether he was a crank, a half-wit, or a "luny."

I fixed a grave look upon him and asked, as calmly as I could: "And when did you go luny?"

When Josiah's eyes fell onto 'em, my poor pardner sez, "Samantha, less be a-goin'." Sez I, "Are you satisfied, Josiah Allen, with the Works of Man?" And he advised me strong "Not to make a luny and a idiot of myself." And sez he, "Dum it all, why do they call it the works of man? There is as many wimmen amongst them dum skeletons as men, I'll bet a cent."

Luny Park wuz only a few steps from Bildad's and anon I stood before what seemed to be a great city, gorgeous below and way up above the thronged streets and mountains and flower-decked declivities, endless white towers riz up as if callin' attention to 'em. And I didn't know but the place had been lied about, and I asked a bystander if any of 'em wuz meetin' house steeples.

"Sara Ray, I don't know what it feels like to be going to die because I didn't know I was going to die till I got better. Mother says I was luny most of the time after they struck in. It was just because they struck in I was luny. I ain't luny naturally, Felicity. I will do what you asked in your postscript, Sara, although it will be hard. "I'm glad Peg Bowen didn't catch you, Dan.