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The lumberjacks stood about awkwardly, and the Indian hovered near, his stolid face reflecting no emotion. Spike was the only jack present who apparently was indifferent to the scene. At midnight Willy motioned to the girls to go. "Me watch. Big Friends wake up morning. No sick," he said. "Willy's suggestion is a good one," agreed Elfreda.

And such a quiet way of reproving any bad taste the time that crank university professor was out there, and spoke of the radical labor movement, and Mattie just smiled at him and said, 'If you don't mind, let's not drag filthy lumberjacks into the drawing-room they'd hate it just as much as we would, don't you think, perhaps?" "Oh, damn nice china!

"Shinny on the corners," "Gents all forw'd," "Sling yer pardner," "Up and down the travoy," "Dozey-dozey," "Smash 'em on the finish," was the way he called off, the latter call bringing the feet of the lumberjacks down in a series of bangs that threatened the collapse of the floor.

In a lower tone he asked, "Anything wrong?" "Mebby! You come. No speak here." The Indian turned away, and Hippy followed him casually until well out of sight of the dancers. "Now what is wrong?" demanded the Overland Rider in a brisk tone. "You hear big noise?" Hippy shook his head. "Can't hear anything above the smashing of the lumberjacks' boots." "Me hear. Big noise up river boom boom boom!

There were only a few jacks present, outside of the "original" crowd, as Tom called them, all the others having a dinner of their own in the old bunk-house. The "talk" at the table was mostly confined to the Overland Riders, their efforts to make conversation with their partners, the lumberjacks, eliciting little more than grunts.

"Now what I wish are the names of witnesses who can verify at least part of your story." After some thought Peg named several lumberjacks, fellows who were still in the employ of the Dusenbery Company.

Gentleman here to speak to you." At the summons, Something Dewing appeared at the side door; he gave a little start when he saw Pete at the bar. "Why, hello, Johnson! Well met! This is a surprise." "Same here," said Pete. "Didn't know you were in town." "Yes; I bought Rhiny out. Tired of Cobre. Want to take a hand at poker, Pete? Here's two lumberjacks down from up-country, and honing to play.

In the Minneapolis station the crowd of lumberjacks, farmers, and Swedish families with innumerous children and grandparents and paper parcels, their foggy crowding and their clamor confused her. She felt rustic in this once familiar city, after a year and a half of Gopher Prairie. She was certain that Kennicott was taking the wrong trolley-car.

In spite of this, taking the mountain people by and large, they are an abstemious race. In drinking, as in everything else, this is the Land of Do Without. Comparatively few highlanders see liquor oftener than once or twice a month. The lumberjacks and townspeople get most of the output; for they can pay the price.

As lumbermen and settlers gathered in the border area, the risk of conflict became acute, culminating in the Aroostook War in 1838-39, when the Legislatures of Maine and New Brunswick backed their rival lumberjacks with reckless jingoism. Diplomacy failed repeatedly to obtain a compromise line.