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The strange feature of Mr. Lovyes' conduct was revealed to me by the ledgers. For during all those years he had drawn neither upon his capital nor his interest, so that his stake in the Company grew larger and larger, with no profit to himself that any one could discover.

I approached the house, and from that nearer vantage discovered that the shutters were common planks fitted into the windows and nailed fast to the woodwork from without. Growing yet more curious, I marched to the door and knocked, with an inquiry upon my tongue as to where Mr. Lovyes lived.

"'Then why did you build it? I asked. "'Because I was a fool! and then he burst out in a passionate whisper. 'But a fool I was to stay here, and a fool's trick it was to build that house! He shook his fist in its direction. 'Call it Grudge's Folly, and there's the name for it! and with that he turned him again to spying upon Mrs. Lovyes.

Lovyes, who was remotely akin to the Lord Proprietor, had come to Tresco three years before, immediately after her marriage, and, it was understood, at her husband's wish. I talked of her readily, for, apart from what I owed to her bounty, she was a woman most sure to engage the affections of any boy.

Lovyes, who sat over against us, bent her head forward and once or twice shook it as though she would unseat some ridiculous conviction. And after the story was told, she sat with no word of kindness for Mr. Crudge, and, what was yet more unlike her, no word of pity for the sailors who were lost. Then she rose and stood, steadying herself with the tips of her fingers upon the table.

Grudge and I walked for a while in silence. "'And what sort of a name has Mr. John Lovyes in these parts? he asked. "'An honest sort, said I emphatically 'the name of a man who loves his wife. "'Or her money, he sneered. 'Bah! a surly ill-conditioned dog, I'll warrant, the curmudgeon!" "'You are marvellously recovered of your cold, said I. "He stopped, and looked across the Sound.

But there was still no light visible, and I went on to the dwelling of Mr. Robert Lovyes. When I came to it, I comprehended his brother's hesitation.

"'Tell me my name, he said. His face, shaved of its beard and no longer hidden by his hair, stood out distinct, unmistakable. "'Lovyes, I answered. "'Good boy, said he. 'Robert Lovyes, brother to John. "'Yet he did not know you, said I, though, indeed, I could not wonder. "'But she did, he cried, with a savage exultation.

Lovyes about, but in a way that was unnoticeable unless you had other reasons to suspect that his thoughts were following her. "His conduct in this respect was particularly brought home to me on Christmas Day. The afternoon was warm and sunny, and I walked over the hill at Merchant's Point, meaning to bathe in the little sequestered bay beyond. From the top of the hill I saw Mrs.

"I ran off on my errand, and, coming back a little later with a bottle of cordial waters, found Mr. Lovyes still standing in the moonlight. He seemed not to have moved a finger. I gave him the bottle, with a message that any who were rescued should be carried to Merchant's Point forthwith, and that he himself should go down there in the morning. "'Who taught you Latin? he asked suddenly. "'Mrs.