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'You will please to remember that I said again and again 'Oh, hang it, Emmy! We made a blunder, both of us, and don't let us make it worse by wrangling about it. There you are; people of that class bring infection into the house. If she stayed here a twelvemonth, we should have got to throwing things at each other. The answer to Louise's letter of remonstrance came in the form of Mrs.

But now you must come down into Louise's and my room. There is something there for you; you must change the air a little. Come, come!" "Ah, how charming!" was Leonore's exclamation as she entered Eva's chamber; and in fact nothing could be imagined more charming than that little abode of peace, adorned as it now was by the coquetry of affection.

And the wonder in Louise's face passed into a look of real fear, and she said: "Let us go away." "But why won't you listen to Francis? None of my birds sings as he does. Let me tell you, Louise " But Louise's step hastened. "Stop! Don't you hear the Sword motive? That is Aloysius." Louise stopped for a moment, and, true enough, there was the Sword motive whistled from the branches of a sycamore.

The neck of her waist, which was a very old white one of Mary Louise's, was likewise frankly open, and as there was considerable difference in the respective sizes, Zenie seemed on the point of bursting from its doubtful whiteness into all her full-blown coffee-coloured creamness. She hastily pinned up the bosom of it a little as Mary Louise turned in at her gate.

Billy Louise's voice was soft and had a broody sweetness when she wished it so, that soothed more than medicine. Her mother's eyes closed wearily while the girl talked; the muscles of her face relaxed a little from their look of pain. Billy Louise bent and laid her lips lightly on her mother's cheek. "Poor old mommie!

It was to be seen in the glance of the eye, in the voice a little unsteady, in girlish over-emphasis, in that shining something in the face, which, in Ireland, they call the love-light. So great was Mrs. Guise's vanity, so intense her content in her son, so proud was she of other people's admiration of him, no matter who they were, that she welcomed Louise's attentions. Kernaghan was wrong.

We must be brisk and determined, though, for it is late, only wanting a half hour of being ten o'clock. Who is old Trude?" "Louise's chambermaid, who has been with her all her life, for Trude was her nurse. She idolizes our sister, and would go through fire and water for her sake. What Louise commands is law with her."

The way of the diligence led past winding streams and bright meadows busy with haymakers; past picturesque water mills and stone chateaux, anon along tree-shaded avenues grateful in their coolness. Hard as the leathern seats were and however wearisome the ride, the girls forgot discomfort in Henriette's description of the sights and scenes and Louise's just as eager listening.

The evident desire of Evelyn not to talk about herself clouded Louise's pleasure in talking of herself, and she paused in her account of the Wotan, the Brunnhilde, the conductor and the Rhine Maidens to tell Evelyn of the inquiries that had been made about her all were looking forward to her Kundry next year. Madame Wagner had said that there never had been such a Brunnhilde.

These contentions, which began in merriment, sometimes ended quite differently. A young and somewhat coquettish married lady felt herself one day wounded by the severity with which Louise judged the coquetry of her sex, particularly of married ladies, and in revenge she made use of some words which awakened Louise's astonishment and anger at the same time.