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Into this worthy senate, composed partly of Duke Hildebrod's predecessors in his high office, whom he has associated with him to prevent the envy attending sovereign and sole authority, I must presently introduce your lordship, that they may admit you to the immunities of the Friars, and assign you a place of residence." "Does their authority extend to such regulation?" said Lord Glenvarloch.

Plainly as if she spoke the words, her great blue eyes were saying, "Am I leaning on a broken reed?" As she caught my look she turned to Brocton, and I gritted my teeth and listened. "So your lordship has found me!" She spoke easily and lightly. "How small the world must be since it cannot find room for me to avoid you!" "Say rather, dear mistress, that my love draws me unerringly towards you."

"I The matter is one that only your lordship can decide. I have no wish to influence your decision." "I see. Ha! And you, Grant? No doubt you agree with Dom Miguel?" "Most emphatically upon every count, sir," replied the intelligence officer without hesitation. "I think Dom Miguel offers an excellent bargain. And, as he says, we hold a guarantee of its fulfilment."

Before we were in bed, there was a knock at the door, which proved to be from Lord Breadalbane's butler, to say that he had been commissioned to enquire whenever we arrived at the inn, as his Lordship had heard that we were in Scotland and wished us to make them a visit.

Moreover, from this spot to his own house, a good two days' journey by foot, everything belonged to his lordship's estate. Nay, his lordship, if he liked, could traverse the whole kingdom from Deva to Pest, and be on his own property the whole time, it was only like moving from one of his houses to another.

Vermicelli is the guy who attends to the Earl in his bedroom, and he was the last man to see the diamond cuff-buttons as His Lordship retired Sunday night. Therefore, he certainly stole them. I guess it doesn't take a London detective to dope that out. Why didn't you search his room the very first thing?" And Galetchkoff looked about him with an air of triumph.

His lordship flew one way, his horse another, his hat a third, his whip a fourth, his spectacles a fifth; in fact, he was scattered all over. In an instant he lay the centre of a circle, kicking on his back like a lively turtle. 'Oh! I'm kilt! he roared, striking out as if he was swimming, or rather floating. 'I'm kilt! he repeated.

It was private business, he remarked, and could only be entered into with your lordship." "Who is it, Hedges? Do you know him?" Lord Hartledon had dropped his voice to confidential tones. Hedges was faithful, and had been privy to some of his embarrassments in the old days. The man looked at the barrister, and seemed to hesitate. "Speak out. You can say anything before Mr. Carr."

I was decidedly sorry that I hadn't given the real letters, for his lordship clearly had no scruple about destroying them, and I knew few men whom I would have seen behind prison-bars with as little personal regret.

Do you now honestly believe there are two such places?" "I don't know, my lord." "You don't know? And you come here to comfort a dying man!" "Your lordship must first tell me what you mean by 'two such places. And as to comfort, going by my notions, I cannot tell which you would be more or less comfortable in; and that, I presume, would be the main point with your lordship."