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"Very well, sir," said the Factor, curtly, at last. "Your time is over. I find it unnecessary to hang you. You will start, on your Longue Traverse to-day." "Oh!" cried Virginia, in a low voice of agony, and fluttered to her lover's side. "Hush! hush!" he soothed her. "There is a chance." "You think so?" broke in Galen Albret, harshly.

But the cry of "La Longue Carabine" was renewed the instant the impatient savages perceived that the short dialogue was ended. "You hear," said Magua, with stubborn indifference; "the red Hurons call for the life of 'The Long Rifle, or they will have the blood of them that keep him hid!" "He is gone escaped; he is far beyond their reach." Renard smiled with cold contempt, as he answered,

A little dashed, Dundee returned to the bedroom. The big lamp was where he had first seen it about a foot beyond the window nearest the porch, and at the head of the chaise longue which was set between the two west windows, where, according to Lydia, the lamp always stood.

Selim had taken the house furnished, it was obvious that this big bedroom of hers was not exactly as the Crain family had left it. A little too pretty, a little too aggressively feminine, with its chaise longue heaped with silk and lace pillows, its superfluity of big and little lamps, its bed draped with golden-yellow taffeta, its dressing table

A burst of voices had shouted simultaneously, "La Longue Carabine!" causing the opposite woods to re-echo with a name which, Heyward well remembered, had been given by his enemies to a celebrated hunter and scout of the English camp, and who, he now learned for the first time, had been his late companion. "La Longue Carabine!

Impulsively she raised her face to his, her eyes shining. "To me all this is very fine," said she. He smiled a little sadly. "At least you know why I came." "Yes," she repeated, "I know why you came. But you are in trouble." "The chances of war." "And they have defeated you after all." "I shall start on la Longue Traverse singing 'Rouli roulant. It's a small defeat, that."

"It does not seem " objected the girl in bewilderment, "I do not know men are often out in this country for years at a time. Long journeys are not unknown among us. We are used to undertaking them." "But not la Longue Traverse," insisted the young man, sombrely. "La Longue Traverse," she repeated in sweet perplexity. "Sometimes called the Journey of Death," he explained.

I do not think they will want anything but the strawberries especially if you look at them." "But mamma is not here to speak to them either, papa." "You think somebody must speak to them, eh? I don't think I can make speeches, Daisy," said Mr. Randolph, stretching himself at ease in a chaise longue. "But perhaps I may step down and look at them by and by, my dear."

Then he sat down on the chaise longue and stared, with growing comprehension. The coverlet on the bed was neatly turned down; a night-gown was there, clean and white. Beside it was another, soft and filmy. Braddock put his hands to his face and sobbed dry, choking sobs that were not of anguish, but of bewilderment. At last he pulled himself together and arose to make a tour of the room.

Eleanor got up restlessly, squared the cushions on her chaise longue, tapped her cigarette ash into a receiver and said that Rose was happy enough now, anyway, if looks were anything to go by; hesitated again, and finally answered Frederica's question. "Why," she said, "whenever I hear a woman miaouling about being misunderstood, I always want to tell her she doesn't know her luck.