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Roughly he took it, casting it from him. "Damn you!" he cried. "Let me alone!" She drew up, stiffly, but speaking softly, said, "So?" "I I didn't mean it that way," he apologized. "I wonder if you ever spoke that way to her the other.... You didn't," came from her slowly. He shook his head. "No," he replied. The Woman seated herself upon the arm of his chair, lithely. "And do you know why?"

And here, hero of the scene, glides Beltran, master of the Northern art as school-days made him, skates as of old some young Viking skated, all his being bubbling in a lofty glee, with blue eyes answering this icy brilliance as they dazzle back from the tawny countenance, with every muscle rippling grace and vigor to meet the proud volition, lithely cutting the air, swifter than the swallow's wing in its arrowy precision, careless as the floating flake in effortless motion, skimming along the lucid sheathing that answers his ringing heel with a tune of its own, and swaying in his almost aërial medium, lightly, easily, as the swimming fish sways to the currents of the tide.

When a Sugar Pine and one of this species equal in size are observed together, the latter is seen to be far more simple in manners, more lithely graceful, and its beauty is of a kind more easily appreciated; but then, it is, on the other hand, much less dignified and original in demeanor. The Silver Pine seems eager to shoot aloft.

She came to a man who was boiling a kettle over a camp-fire, and slipped lithely from the horse, and the man, with a start of surprise, seized her pretty waist and kissed her passionately, in the midst of the immense forest whose every leaf was moving. And she returned his kiss without restraint. For they were betrothed.

They stood. My Lady arose lithely; encumbered by her trailing skirt she pitched forward and I caught her. Daniel sprang in a moment, with a growl. "None o' that, Mister. I'm takin' keer of her. Hands off." "Don't bully me, sir," I retorted, furious. "I'm only acting the gentleman, and you're acting the boor."

At the top was a wrought-iron door, and through it shone a flood of electric light. "Ecco," said Domenico, lithely running up the last few steps ahead and pushing the door open. And there they were, arrived; and it was San Salvatore; and their suit-cases were waiting for them; and they had not been murdered. They looked at each other's white faces and blinking eyes very solemnly.

She did not give her toilet any particular care. There was no thought of conquest, no thought of dazzling the man in khaki. It was the indolence and carelessness of the East, where clothes become only necessities and are no longer the essentials of adornment. Elsa Chetwood was twenty-five, lithely built, outwardly reposeful, but dynamic within.

Through his clenched teeth came a muttered curse. "It was interesting, drolly interesting.... that letter." she continued. "She couldn't understand why your mission detained you so long!" Yet again she laughed, merrily, ringingly. Suddenly she shifted, lithely, the poise of her body. "Bah!

Norman Mann stood like a statue. The wind moved his hair over his forehead, and once Mae saw him toss the unruly locks back in a familiar way he had. She did not know why, but the tears half came to her eyes as he did it. He stood as firm and hard and still as a New England rock, while the Italian swayed lithely as he pulled the oars, with the curve and motion of a sliding, slippery stream.

It was something more than the physical reaction that suddenly flushed the girl's cheeks. She sprang lithely to her feet. "Can you walk back home?" Alan asked. "Oh, yes, I am all right now. It was very foolish of me to get into such a predicament. Father and Emily went down the lake in the yacht this afternoon and I started out for a ramble.