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The gyrls will be employed and busy an' you can jes' live comf't'bly, an' res'. An' say," he added, slyly "you can get all the credit at the Company's sto' you want an' I'm thinkin' you'll find a better brand of licker than that you've been samplin'." Besotted as he was hardened and discouraged the proposition came over Conway with a wave of shame.

When I was elected alderman of our ward, she just went into the saloon and dealt out licker to my constituents with her own hand. There is no telling the number of votes she got for me by that perseeding. You'd be astonished." Here the curtain went up with a rush, and Stacy could only make himself heard by sharp whispers, which reached Hepworth in fragments, when the music sank lowest.

"They're gittin' worse'n hornicks round me," he whined, "them Double-yer T. Double-yers. Want Ferd's place raided for licker. But I understood you to tell me " "I hain't told you northin' about it!" roared the Cap'n, with mighty clap of open palm on the town ledger. "Well, you hain't give off orders to raid, seize and diskiver, libel and destroy," complained the officer.

Wot I take to is smooth-faced young chaps." "Don't take any stock in her nonsense," the Fraction King warned, "She just does it a-purpose to get me mad." "Now then!" she commanded, sharply. "Step up to your licker! 'Ere's 'ow!" "What'll it be?" cried Blanche from the stove. The elevated mugs wavered and halted. "The Queen, Gawd bless 'er!" the Virgin toasted promptly. "And Bill!"

"Well, it's somethin' yeh slip into a man's licker that puts him to sleep." "You mean drug? Dope!" The bartender's eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth whitened where it gripped the cigar. Purdy nodded: "Yes. It don't hurt no one, only it puts 'em to sleep fer mebbe it's three er four hours. I'll get some from Doc an' yer goin' to slip a little into Tex Benton's booze.

"How in hell did ye git into town?" demanded the prisoner. "I rid in," was the short reply. "How'd ye git in the jail-house?" The captive was shamefaced. "I got a leetle too much licker, an' I was shootin' out the lights last night," he confessed. "What business did ye have hyar in Hixon?" "I jest slipped in ter see a gal." Samson leaned closer, and lowered his voice.

"Ah!" responded Triffitt, wildly smiting the crown of his deerstalker. "That's just it! What does it all mean, my dear! Gad! this is to use the common language of the common man, a fair licker! That that chap Burchill should march as bold as brass into those Herapath Flats, is well, I couldn't be more surprised, Trixie, than if you were to tell me that you are the Queen of Sheba's grand-daughter!

Much less has a gent, bein' thus s'licited to licker, any license to take it hostile an' allow he's insulted, an' lay for his entertainers with weepons. "'Well, I don't know, neither, says Texas Thompson, who's a heap dispootatious an' allers spraddlin' in on every chance for an argyment.

Corruption may wear the robe of magistracy, suh, but Judge Lynch can always be relied upon to give justice without court fees. I repeat, suh, without court fees. Law may be bought and sold, but in this enlightened land justice is free as the air we breathe, strong as the licker we drink, prompt as " "Cut it short! Find out what the beggar wants," interrupted Lawson, spoiling the peroration.

From y'ears to hocks that picture is Tutt; an' thar we-all be admirin' the likeness an' takin' our licker conjunctive. While thus spec'latin' on then resemblances, this yere sour old maverick, Ryder, shows up at the bar for nourishment.