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"You'll always be sort of rich-ish looking, not real luxuriant, you know, but but " She hesitated for just the right phrase. "Well, anyone would know you used a bath-brush and took care of your hair," she ended lamely. Patricia bubbled with mirth. "What a left-handed compliment, Judy. Is that the best you can do for me? I'm glad I appear clean, anyway."

Forthwith placing his right foot in the stirrup, he mounted the horse, so that his face looked to the horse's tail. 'O Cogia, said they, 'why do you mount the horse the wrong way? 'It is not my fault, said he, 'but the horse's, for the horse is left-handed. The Cogia had a disciple, who was an Abyssinian, black, of the name of Hamet.

"Never mind him," Scout Chapman said. "He's harmless; he can't hit anything. Tend to the others." The fight had begun at six in the morning. The long, long day slipped slowly by; the sun had changed from east to west, and the hour was four o'clock. By this time the six men were pretty well worn out. Private Smith's right arm was useless, but he shot left-handed with his revolver.

"I would have avenged myself too if I could," said Sancho, "whether I had been dubbed knight or not, but I could not; though for my part I am persuaded those who amused themselves with me were not phantoms or enchanted men, as your worship says, but men of flesh and bone like ourselves; and they all had their names, for I heard them name them when they were tossing me, and one was called Pedro Martinez, and another Tenorio Hernandez, and the innkeeper, I heard, was called Juan Palomeque the Left-handed; so that, senor, your not being able to leap over the wall of the yard or dismount from your horse came of something else besides enchantments; and what I make out clearly from all this is, that these adventures we go seeking will in the end lead us into such misadventures that we shall not know which is our right foot; and that the best and wisest thing, according to my small wits, would be for us to return home, now that it is harvest-time, and attend to our business, and give over wandering from Zeca to Mecca and from pail to bucket, as the saying is."

Yet the ultimate control of funds cannot be removed from the legislature. The financial arrangement should insure the staff against left-handed, joker and rider attack, against sly destruction, and should at the same time provide for growth. The staff should be so well entrenched that an attack on its existence would have to be made in the open.

"You come to me to help you, because, though you claim all the discredit for your left-handed activities, I furnish a good half of the brains. And I blabbed as you so elegantly phrased it because I am far too intelligent to bite a bulldog for a bone. Our friends in the Gavilan pride themselves on their nerve. They are fighting men, if you please very fearless and gallant. That suits me.

Nancy had proved the accuracy of her groom's statement by again "going up as straight as a ribbon" when the hounds crossed the road, and the bay had not been backward in emulating her efforts. Bill Kirby had had luck; the fox had run left-handed under the wall, and the leading hounds met the Master, with the body of the pack, at the verge of the wood on its farther side.

With your hand useless, we can't fight. We'll have to swing around through the dry side of the Basin. No time to lose! They'll be on our trail before long." Lennon sprang to his feet. "Mount your horse and ride as fast as you can," he ordered. "I'll trot along after you. Don't bother about me. I can shoot well enough left-handed to hold off the beggars until dark."

"Yes, but if I aimed with my left eye I'd have to fire with my left hand and I couldn't hit a cow that way." Coquenil looked at Tignol steadily. "You could if you were a left-handed man." "You mean to say " The other stared.

The coffee, beef, and biscuit were sent him, and the stranger seemed to eat them with great gout, and drank the coffee with much relish, and returned the things, saying, "Your captain is an excellent cook; give him my compliments." I thought the captain would think that was but a left-handed compliment, and look more angry than pleased, but no notice was taken of it.