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Here the orator, jingling his staff, interrupted the bard to intimate to the party what they might not have inferred from the description that their royal host was the party indicated, and a full-crowned goblet went round to the acclamation, HOCH LEBE DER HERZOG LEOPOLD! Another stanza followed:

He again returned to his home, and saw Sam kneeling and praying aloud near the barn, with the two horses standing beside him. "Sam, go to the square," he shouted. "Can't lebe dese hosses. Dey's bofe lookin' ter me, an' I'se prayin' fer dem an us all." "No matter about the horses. The house is too near."

And Herr Tiefel, carried away by the recollection, rose to his feet. The others caught fire, and stood up with their mugs high in the air, shouting: "Lebe wohl, Carl! Lebe wohl! Salamander, salamander, salamander! Ein ist ein, zwei ist zwei, drei ist drei! Lebe wohl!" And so they toasted every man present, even Stephen himself, whom they complimented on his speech.

I will not leave this spot I will go with you myself, rather than leave you here." "Why, ob co'se I 'spects ter go back wid you, Miss Lou. You tink I gwine ter lebe you yere en dat ladder dar ter tell de hull business? Come wid me." "Well, then, good-by, and God keep you, Lieutenant. I shall hope to see you again." "To see YOU again will be my dearest hope.

Up went the apron again and Zany admitted, "I kyant lebe you, Miss Lou, I des kyant," as she rushed away to indulge in the feminine relief of tears without stint. Mr. and Mrs. Baron passed a sleepless night, for even the question of food would be problematical if all the able-bodied men and women on the place went away.

"Perhaps," said Dove, mouthing deliberately as if he had a good thing on his tongue; perhaps, by now, he is safe in the arms of " "Jesus or Morpheus?" asked a cockney 'cellist. "Safe in the arms of Jesus!" sang the tipsy pianist; but he was outsung by Krafft, who, rising from his seat, gave with dramatic gesture: O sink' hernieder, Nacht der Liebe, gieb Vergessen, dass ich lebe ...

Lebe wohl, and let me hear from you again soon. In friendship as of old, yours With regard to the peace negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, I will leave my diary to speak for itself.

My father's ambition, after several years' sojourn in enlightened circles, reached even beyond the pension; but that was flying farther than Polotzk could follow him with the naked eye. I do not remember our first teacher. When our second teacher came we were already able to read continuous passages. Reb' Lebe was no great scholar. Great scholars would not waste their learning on mere girls.

Rebbe, dropping his pointer in astonishment: "What did ? What sort of a girl is this, that asks questions? Go on, go on!" The lesson continues to the end. The book is closed, the pointer put away. The rebbe exchanges his skull-cap for his street cap, is about to go. Pupil, timidly, but determinedly, detaining him: "Reb' Lebe, who made God?"

Here comes the mother in me pumping up. Adieu. Lebe wohl. The German! the German! may God in his Barmherzigkeit! Tell her I never encouraged the girl, have literally nothing to trace a temporary wrinkle on my forehead as regards conscience. I say, may it please Providence to make you a good German scholar by the day of your majority. Hurrah for it!