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But he was thoroughly roused when Krafft, picking up a sheet of music and coming round to the front of the piano, began to sing DAS TRUNKENE LIED. By way of introduction, the low F in the bass of F minor sounded persistently, at syncopated intervals; Schilsky inclined his head, and Krafft sang, in his sweet, flute-like voice: Oh, Mensch! Gieb Acht! Was spricht die tiefe Mitternacht?

"Perhaps," said Dove, mouthing deliberately as if he had a good thing on his tongue; perhaps, by now, he is safe in the arms of " "Jesus or Morpheus?" asked a cockney 'cellist. "Safe in the arms of Jesus!" sang the tipsy pianist; but he was outsung by Krafft, who, rising from his seat, gave with dramatic gesture: O sink' hernieder, Nacht der Liebe, gieb Vergessen, dass ich lebe ...

She seemed to be in trouble, and then we saw the tide had gone out, and left the channel too shallow to heave over. When Kreps understood that she was penned in, he acted outrageous, and pranced like a red rubber balloon. "Gieb mir das axe! Ich will de habits of de cetacean studieren!" he says.

His hands trembled, great tears trickled down his cheeks. He read on: Auf! Auf! gieb deinem Schmerze Und Sorgen gute Nacht! Lass fahren was das Herze Betruebt und traurig macht! Up! Up! and give thy sorrow And all thy cares good-night; And all that grieves and saddens Thy heart be put to flight.

Major Denham now, for the first time, produced Captain Lyon's book, in Boo Khaloom's tent, and on turning over the prints of the natives, he swore, and exclaimed, and insisted upon it, that he knew every face. This was such a one's slave that was his own he was right, he knew it. Gieb! gieb!

"A gieb! a gieb! wonderful! wonderful!" exclaimed Min Ali; why, they should have a hundred." "No, no," said Major Denham, "we think that a sin." "Wallah! really!" She, however, whom I like best, always says, one would be more lawful; she may be right; you say she is. You are a great people; I see you are a great people, and know every thing. I, a Tibboo, am little better than a gazelle."

"Gieb dass ich thu' mit Fleiss was mir zu thun gebuhret, Wozu mich dein Befehl in meinem Stande fuhret, Gieb dass ich's thue bald, zu der Zeit da ich's soll; Und wenn ich's thu', so gieb dass es gerathe wohl." One has heard the voice of waters, one has paused in the mountains at the voice of far-off Covenanter psalms; but a voice like this, breaking the commanded silences, one has not heard.