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Indeed, he spied his friend Tiefel there, and presently Richter came from the ranks to greet him. "My friend," he said, "you are made second lieutenant of our company, the Black Jaegers." "But I have never drilled in my life," said Stephen. "Never mind. Come and see the Leader." The Leader, smiling a little, put a vigorous stop to his protestations, and told him to buy a tactics.

They all tried to tell him at once, but Tiefel prevailed. "Because they were for making our country Austrian, my friend," he cried. "Because they were overbearing, and ground the poor. Because the most of them were immoral like the French, and we knew that it must be by morality and pure living that our 'Vaterland' was to be rescued. And so we formed our guilds in opposition to theirs.

They were so astonished they didn't even shoot the man. You watch Grant," said the General. "And now, Stephen," he added, "just you run off and take hold of the prettiest girl you can find. If any of my boys object, say I sent you." The next Monday Stephen had a caller. It was little Tiefel, now a first lieutenant with a bristly beard and tanned face, come to town on a few days' furlough.

"He is no more crazy than I am," said Stephen, warmly "Is he not?" answered Tiefel, "then I will show you a mistake. You recall last November he was out to Sedalia to inspect the camp there, and he sleeps in a little country store where I am quartered. Now up gets your General Sherman in the middle of the night, midnight, and marches up and down between the counters, and waves his arms.

What Sherman said about Pope's and Steele's forces is true as Gospel, and if you ever took the trouble to look into that situation, Tiefel, you would see it." And Stephen brought down his mug on the table with a crash that made the bystanders jump. "Himmel!" exclaimed little Tiefel. But he spoke in admiration.

"Ah, I can well believe that," answered Korner. "I will recount that matter, if you do not tell Carl, lieber Freund. He would not forgive me. I was there in Berlin at the time. It was a famous time. Tiefel will bear me out." "Ja, ja!" said Tiefel, eagerly. "Mr. Brice," Herr Korner continued, "has never heard of the Count von Kalbach. No, of course. We at Jena had, and all Germany.

Their step was not as steady, nor their files as straight as Company A. There was Richter, his head high, his blue eyes defiant. And there was little Tiefel marching in that place of second lieutenant that Stephen himself should have filled. Here was another company, and at the end of the first four, big Tom Catherwood.

What Sherman said about Pope's and Steele's forces is true as Gospel, and if you ever took the trouble to look into that situation, Tiefel, you would see it." And Stephen brought down his mug on the table with a crash that made the bystanders jump. "Himmel!" exclaimed little Tiefel. But he spoke in admiration.

They were so astonished they didn't even shoot the man. You watch Grant," said the General. "And now, Stephen," he added, "just you run off and take hold of the prettiest girl you can find. If any of my boys object, say I sent you." The next Monday Stephen had a caller. It was little Tiefel, now a first lieutenant with a bristly beard and tanned face, come to town on a few days' furlough.

Indeed, he spied his friend Tiefel there, and presently Richter came from the ranks to greet him. "My friend," he said, "you are made second lieutenant of our company, the Black Jaegers." "But I have never drilled in my life," said Stephen. "Never mind. Come and see the Leader." The Leader, smiling a little, put a vigorous stop to his protestations, and told him to buy a tactics.