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Rudy looked at the bird, understood what it wanted, and laid his hand on his rifle in order to shoot it. At that moment the chamois leaped his uncle fired the ball hit the animal, but the kid was gone, as though flight and danger had been its life's experience.

The little waving of grass and bushes that marked the passage of the Wyandot suddenly stopped, and the slight rustling ceased to come. Nerving everything for a mighty effort, Henry sprang to his feet and rushed forward. The Wyandot, who was just beginning to suspect, uttered a cry, and he, too, sprang up. His rifle leaped to his shoulder and he fired as the terrible figure sprang toward him.

"What is that you said, Tom?" "I said, hurry up; come along; there is a fire at the seminary! The girls may be in danger! Come on, let us go there in the auto." "Oh, Tom, are you sure of this?" And now Sam leaped up, brushing his writing to one side. "Yes, I saw the fire from the observatory." And in as few words as possible, Tom gave his brother the particulars.

They howled at the appearance of an accidental light, as if they hoped the sun, or at least the moon, were going to rise once more, and they rejoiced on being taken below, and leaped up in the men's faces for sympathy, and whined, and all but spoke with excess of satisfaction.

"Dear me, I can't think why on earth they should go there; but I believe I do remember the Prince once saying, ever so long ago when we first talked of driving down into Dalmatia, that he had a friend in Montenegro an Austrian Consul, though I don't know in what city there." "There's only one the capital, Cettinje," I said mechanically, and my thoughts leaped ahead to the place I named.

He had just time to shout at the top of his voice, in the hope of attracting the attention of any of his companions who might be near, and to grasp the broken end of his spear, when, as he instinctively leaped on one side to avoid the first spring of the tiger, his foot slipped and he fell on his back, holding the spear in a perpendicular position, with the point upwards.

"Look out, Slippery, jump for your life!" suddenly came a frightened cry from Joe's lips, and instinctively Slippery followed Joe's example and leaped off the track, upon which they had been so peacefully walking, blissfully ignorant of how close to death they had come.

Instantly an enormous fish dragged him beneath, and it was only by wonderful dexterity on the part of the owl and of the frog that the latter was unhurt. He nestled once again among the owl's soft feathers, and they sought the shore. "'Now how shall I repay you, my brave friend? asked the owl, as Arthur leaped upon land. "'I do not wish for any reward, replied Arthur.

The shiftless one's own tremendous song had a thrilling effect upon his comrades. Their spirits leaped with it. The rushing canoe was now dancing upon the surface of the river, but somehow they were not afraid.

All the ruffians are not in yet. Well, it's too late now. The alarm has been given. There they go!" A succession of shots followed from distant points, widely separated. McKay listened. "Our men are shooting. It's time to close in. Stick behind me. Don't try to ride off to one side. Keep your eyes and ears open." The ponies leaped forward.