United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then, catching an inspiration, he asked: "Why does you swaller when you'se chawin' a piece of cake?" "I don't know; just do. I reckon!" "Dar now, Mesmie, ain' he a smart li'l man?" the old fellow chuckled. "Dat's de ve'y reason you jes' do! An' dat's 'zackly what de knuckles does dey jes' do! Now, since we done relieve ourse'ves on dat pint, le's move 'long!"

"They'll come right into this room so soon as that fellow tells them. Le's run out the back way, Ma Padgett!" Grandma Padgett, who had been giving the full strength of her spectacles to the failing light and her knitting, beheld this excitement with disapproval. "You'll have my needles out," she objected. "What pig-headed folks are after what? Robert, have you hurt Sissy?"

But even so I don't guess ther's nothin' wuss than timber wolves to worry us. They're mean. Y' see they're nigh allus starvin' or guess they are. B'ars don't count a heap, less you kind o' run into 'em at breedin' season. Le's see, this is August. No, 'tain't breedin' season." He sighed as if relieved. Then he stirred quickly and glanced round, his face perfectly serious. "Guess you got a gun?

You certainly don't want a sugar plantation which hasn't been paying its way since the Civil War. That just isn't reasonable. And you ought to know that we can't afford to buy you off. We must be living over a gold-mine that we haven't discovered. Come on, tell us where it is," Val prodded. "Cut the cackle," advised Red, "an' le's git down to it."

Ain't a member that's under fifty, but there that little young thing sets, cheeks red as a beet, an' the elder asks her questions, when he gits to her, as if he was coverin' on her over with cotton wool. Well, last Sabbath old Deacon Pitts le's see, there ain't any o' his folks present, be they? well, he was late, an' he hadn't looked at his lesson besides.

One extremity of the island was in the vicinity of Grandma Potter's, and Benny passed a good many days of his vacation at Grandma's. One day Benny said to 'Bijah, "Now you can make that wigwam, can't you, 'Bijah? You said you would when the hay was all in, and it is all in, ain't it? Le's make it to-day over there in the woods, on the island.

"Don't you-all go talkin' of sech things, Jeb, when we-all got more important things to do," was Sary's scathing criticism, as she gave Jeb a shove to quiet him. "Here jest you-all look at this diamond! Three times bigger'n Anne Stewart's! Pull off that glove, Anne, and le's see mine and your'n side by side!" exclaimed Sary, eagerly. Anne laughed but complied with the challenge.

Adams leaned forward, rubbing his knees; and he coughed again before he spoke. "Well, yes. Fact is, he did. That is to say, a mighty long while ago he did." "I remember," said Lohr. "He never said anything about it that I know of; but seems to me I recollect we had sort of a rumour around the place how you and that man le's see, wasn't his name Campbell, that died of typhoid fever?

He would have to be gone a week or so buying cattle and thought Uncle Eb had better come home as soon as convenient. 'They're lonesome, he said, thoughtfully, after going over the letter again. ''Tain't no wonder they're gittin' old. Uncle Eb was older than either of them but he had not thought of that. 'Le's see; 's about eight o clock, said he, presently.

"Hang your engagement! Here" Lanyard pressed a golden eagle into the fellow's palm "there will be another of those if you do as I say!" "Le's go!" the driver agreed with resignation.