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Je laisse courir ma plume, which would be abominable and indiscreet, if I was not writing to one who is used to hear me say a thousand things which he attributes to passion and perverseness, and is not for that the less my friend. Then I like, when my mind and heart are full, and I cannot open the budget before him, to evaporate upon paper, which provokes no tart reply.

Algernon Swinburne called it the most noble to the end. Alfred de Vigny's dying wolf remarked: "A voir ce que l'on fut sur terre et ce qu'on laisse, Seul le silence est grand; tout le reste est faiblesse." "When one thinks what one leaves in the world when one dies, Only silence is strong, all the rest is but lies."

She turned and withered me with a rather overdone contempt 'bourgeoise, I said to myself, as I looked at her 'Vous avez laisse votre parasol. She turned, and with a rapacious movement darted upon her parasol. How her soul was in her possessions! I stood and watched her. Then she went into the road and under the trees, haughty, a demoiselle. She had on white kid boots.

The old French satirist avers that, in a love affair, there is usually one person who loves, and the other, qui se laisse aimer; it is only in later days, perhaps, when the treasures of love are spent, and the kind hand cold which ministered them, that we remember how tender it was; how soft to soothe; how eager to shield; how ready to support and caress.

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'État Dans mon sabre réside."

"'Eh bien," thought I, with my old philosophy, "Time, that 'pregnant old gentleman, will disclose all, and so 'laisse, aller." My reveries on my good and evil fortune were suddenly interrupted by a letter which reached me that evening, having been forwarded from Callonby by a special messenger. "What!

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'Etat Dans mon sabre réside."

We have Cuvier and the mummies; M. Roulin and the domesticated animals of America; the difficulties presented by hybridism and by Palaeontology; Darwinism a 'rifacciamento' of De Maillet and Lamarck; Darwinism a system without a commencement, and its author bound to believe in M. Pouchet, etc. etc. How one knows it all by heart, and with what relief one reads at p. 65 "Je laisse M. Darwin!"

It is not all light in that soul; but the light that is there does not affect us less because it shines from afar, "Dans un écartement de nuages, qui laisse Voir au-dessus des mers la céleste allégresse...." And so Franck seems to me to differ from M. d'Indy in that he has not the latter's urgent desire for clearness. Clearness is the distinguishing quality of M. d'Indy's mind.

Mo' parole d'honneur le plus sacre I'll kiss de cross! Oh, sweet Miché Jean, laisse moi aller! Nutt'n' but some dutty close la-dans." She repeated this again and again, even after Capitain Jean-Baptiste had disengaged a small black coffin from the old dress in which it was wrapped. "Rien du tout, Miché; nutt'n' but some wash'n' fo' one o' de boys."