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"Yes, I remember gramma Jakes," said Anna Dutton, from the corner. She was a round, pink, near-sighted little person, who had tried to cure herself of stammering by speaking very slowly, and now scarcely talked at all because she had found how unwilling her more robust and loquacious neighbors were to give her the right of way in her hindering course.

Quite a good thing for Gerald Digby, too, I hear. Miss Jakes is soon to be back, Helen tells me. 'Next week, said Franklin. 'And the wedding for November. 'So I'm told. 'You've known Miss Jakes for some time? 'For almost all my life, said Franklin, with his calm and candid smile. 'Oh, old friends, then. You come from Boston, too, perhaps?

You say you've got a week's furlough, and that you left your things at the Black Horse. Well, I'm just going to send Jakes to fetch them. Why, I quite forgot to tell you that little Bar was staying here." The person who had just stepped out from the open French window on to the lawn was certainly no longer little, but a tall, graceful young lady.

But though in this particular, and perhaps in their success, the truth-finder and the gold-finder may very properly be compared together; yet in modesty, surely, there can be no comparison between the two; for who ever heard of a gold-finder that had the impudence or folly to assert, from the ill success of his search, that there was no such thing as gold in the world? whereas the truth-finder, having raked out that jakes, his own mind, and being there capable of tracing no ray of divinity, nor anything virtuous or good, or lovely, or loving, very fairly, honestly, and logically concludes that no such things exist in the whole creation.

For a while only the drowsy swish of the water past the bottom of the boat, and snatches of merriment or song drifting aft from the cutter, broke the silence in the skiff. Then Mouldy Jakes's companion apparently tired of this silent communion. "Sir," he said, "would you like to fish?" "No," said Mouldy Jakes. His host proceeded to unwind his line. "Do you mind if I do?" he enquired.

Well, just when it was at its worst, and I was a-sitting and praying that the roof might keep over our heads, I look round for Angela, and can't see her. 'Some of your tricks again, thinks I to myself; and just then up comes Mrs. Jakes to say that Sam had seen little missy creeping down the tunnel walk.

It stretched back into a past of unforgotten memories, linking one and all in a brotherhood that compassed the waters of the earth, and bore their traditions with unfailing hands across the hazard of the future. The meal drew to a close and the decanters went slowly round. Mouldy Jakes, from his seat opposite the President, was attempting to catch Sir William's eye.

A Submarine Commander of almost legendary fame stood by the fender examining something in a little morocco case. Mouldy Jakes turned a melancholy eye upon the newcomers. "More of 'em," he said in tones of dull despair. "What d'you want Martini or Manhattan?" "Martini," replied the Young Doctor, advancing, "both of us; but why this reckless hospitality, Mouldy?

"He signalled from the Flagship that he was coming to dinner. I don't know what he's doing up here." Mouldy Jakes, who was sitting on an arm of the sofa watching the game of draughts, looked across at Thorogood. "Sir William?" he asked. "Is that man of mystery up here? What's he up to?" "Don't know," replied Thorogood. "Dirty work, I suppose." The Young Doctor assumed an expression of rapture.

"And lest, by length of time, it be pretended, The climate may this modern breed have mended, Wise Providence, to keep us where we are, Mixes us daily with exceeding care; We have been Europe's sink, the jakes where she Voids all her offal outcast progeny; From our fifth Henry's time the strolling bands Of banished fugitives from neighbouring lands Have here a certain sanctuary found: The eternal refuge of the vagabond, Wherein but half a common age of time, Borrowing new blood and manners from the clime, Proudly they learn all mankind to contemn, And all their race are true-born Englishmen."