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Belave me, Ned, it's much comfortabler to be merely a' And-so-forth thin it is to be an' Etcetera. An' I've loved ye so, Ned! Ye're the noblest nobleman I ivver knew or ivver expict to know." Franklin sat gazing at him without speech, and presently Battersleigh went on. "It's a bit of a story, lad," said he kindly.

"Some un's gwain' to die," in a tone of vast satisfaction. "Of course, of course if we wait long enough. It's perhaps you. You'll die yourself sometime, you know." "Noh, I wun't. No 'n'll ivver see me die. I'll just turn into sun'th'n a gull maybe," as one floated by on moveless wing, the very poetry of motion; and the fathomless black eyes followed it with pathetic longing.

Oi towld him a man dhropped inther thot well moight shtay there an' rot widout ivver bein' found. That wur pwhere he meant to dispose av you, Misther Merriwell. Afther that it was yersilf thot saved me loife at Sarrynack Lake.

I'll go home with you, and work for you till I drop. O father! how could I leave you for him? I don't care one bit for him now I don't indeed. You'll forgive me won't you, father? Tho. Aw wull, aw do, mo Mattie. Coom whoam coom whoam. Mat. Will mother forgive me, father? Tho. Thi mother, chylt? Hoo's forgiven tho lung afoor ivver so lung agoo, chylt!

I'm younger than ye ivver saw me in all your life before." "And what and where was the fountain?" said Franklin, as he seated himself at his desk. "The one fountain of all on earth, me boy Succiss succiss! The two dearest things of life are Succiss and Revinge. I've found thim both.

"I'm glad to see ye; glad as ivver I was in all me life to see a livin' soul! Why didn't ye tell ye was coming and not come ridin' like a murderin' Cintaur but ay, boy, ye're a rider worthy the ould Forty-siventh yis, more, I'll say ye might be a officer in the guards, or in the Rile Irish itself, b'gad, yes, sir!

"Faith, the skipper is foine and flourishin'," he informed me, "an' the ould barquey as good an' as sound as ivver she was. Do you ricollict ould Stokes?" "Of course I do," I said. "Is he still chief?" "No, no; he retired a year ago or more on a pinsion which the company gave him for his long service; an' little Grummet ye rimimber him? well, he's promoted, sure, to ould Stokes' billet.

"Bedad," said he unflinchingly, "the banshees, sure, the saints presairve the good people from harmin' us! Can take virry good care ov thimselves; but, faith, if ye'd ivver sane wun, ye'd spake more rispictfully ov thim, sure!"

"They'd nivver hang me fer a spy," Mike gobbled excitedly. "They'll nivver hang me why I knowed " "A-ah, av yer ivver did ye've fergot it intirely," Murphy squelched him pitilessly. Mike gulped down a mouthful and took a swallow of muddy coffee. "They better look out how they come around me," he threatened vaguely. "They can't take me for a spy.

"Gineral," said the Irishman, taking off the silk hat which Desmit had worn and waving it in the air; "Gineral, I have the honor to inthroduce to ye anl auld gintleman one av the vera furst families that's come out to mate ye, an' begs that ye'll taste jest a dhrap av the finest auld pache that ivver ran over yer tongue, jist ter cilebrate this vera joyful occasion,"