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The next morning Maria went into Miss Blair's vanity room, as she called it, and a strange look was on her face. "I have made up my mind," said she. "Well?" Miss Blair said, interrogatively. "I cannot let him commit bigamy. I cannot let my sister marry my husband. I cannot break the laws in such a fashion, nor allow them to do so." "You break no moral law." "I am not so sure.

"The huntress has returned soon?" said the chief, interrogatively, as the girl glided up to him. "She brings strange game!" added he, with a smile. "Who is the young warrior with the white circle upon his breast? He is a pale-face. It is not the custom of our white brothers to adorn themselves in such fashion?" "The painting is not his," replied the girl.

M. du Tillet looked interrogatively at Harry as he entered the shop, as if to ask if he understood why he was taken there. Harry nodded, for indeed he was glad to see that no time was to be lost, for he was already conscious that his dress differed considerably from that of French boys.

"Don't make any noise," Lucia warned. "Listen to me." She told him all that she had discovered during the night. "Are you sure of what you say?" the soldier questioned her seriously. "Oh, yes, sir, I tell you I crawled out and listened. The sound was very near." "Can you show me the place?" "Yes, yes, I have just come from there, but it is a slippery climb." Lucia looked at him interrogatively.

Malfait?" he muttered interrogatively to himself. And at last he found what he was looking for. It was a large sheet, on which was inscribed in large round letters "Pension Malfait." There were many close lines of writing under the words. He looked down and read through all that was there. "The Pension Malfait has a good reputation!" he exclaimed, in a relieved tone.

He then crossed one of his legs over the other, rested an elbow on each arm of his chair, and clasped his hands in front of him. On the wall opposite hung several lithographed portraits of distinguished preachers, in and out of the Establishment mostly represented as very sturdily-constructed men with bristly hair, fronting the spectator interrogatively and holding thick books in their hands.

Grisben was saying, with an unexpected incisiveness of tone. Mr. Lavington laid down his spoon and smiled interrogatively. "Oh, facts what are facts! Just the way a thing happens to look at a given minute." "You haven't heard anything from town?" Mr. Grisben persisted. "Not a syllable. So you see ... Balch, a little more of that petite marmite. Mr. Faxon ... between Frank and Mr. Grisben, please."

Once Louise turned her head, and raised her eyebrows interrogatively; but a feeling that was mingled pride and dismay restrained him; and as, even when the choosing of dances was over, he did not come forward, she walked down the hall on Herries's arm.

He half supported, half lifted the paralyzed man up the three flights of stairs, and opened the door of the loft. The pick was leaning against the wall, where he had left it. "Look around, and see if you recognize anything." The old man's eyes fell upon the implement in a half-frightened way, and then lifted themselves interrogatively to Mulrady's face. "Do you know that pick?"

It is a good vein, if ever there was one. The copper there may be worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions!" Never had the numeration table been invested with such significance. Trevethick's giant frame shook with emotion; his eyes literally glared with greed. "You have been there since?" observed Richard, interrogatively.