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You were a bewitching small child, Miss Janet, if you will pardon an old man's freedom of speech. I am delighted to renew our acquaintance." Janet flushed. "I presume, counting upon your memory of my inspection of the lighthouse, you felt free to inspect my house. Are the books to your taste, Miss Janet?" "They have been my greatest joy in all these years."

He would have come to trade, to buy; but nobody knows him in Finisterra, nor does he know anybody: and the first thing, moreover, that he does when he reaches this place is to inspect the fort, and to ascend the mountain where, no doubt, he has been marking out a camp. What brings him to Finisterra if he is neither Calros nor a bribon of a faccioso?"

Then, instead of dragging down all of the known avenues of standard escape, the townspeople would have organized a tree-by-tree search of the fields and woods with hundreds of men walking hand in hand to inspect every square foot of the ground for either tracks or the child himself.

I play a little game with myself, pretending to have discovered a remarkable kind of tree. At first I pay little attention, then I stretch my neck and contract my eyelids and gaze. "What!" I say to myself. "Surely it couldn't be " I throw down my burden and approach, inspect the tree and nod sagely, saying it is a strange, fabled tree that I have discovered.

Immediately three or four coolies arrive, groaning as loudly as possible beneath the weight of hams, boxes of cigars, jars of dried fruits, boxes of tea, oranges and champagne. You inspect the presents with exclamations of appreciation and then privately consult the boy as to what you should retain, it being the general practice to return the greater part.

The public was free to inspect his treasures, and any citizen might either read or transcribe as he pleased; 'In one word, wrote Poggio, 'I say that he was the wisest and the most benevolent of mankind. By his will he appointed sixteen trustees, among whom was Cosmo de' Médici, to take charge of his books for the State.

"I thought ours was the very prettiest," said Grace, "but we shall inspect yours first, Cleo. Then look at mine, and if Louise " "Certainly, I want you to come over and see my sleeping porch. I hardly believe there is one prettier here. Come along." "We should have called out the department," said Cleo. "Just fancy them extinguishing that hole in your skirt, Grace!"

You may guess how your mother's eyes shone at that! And all England echoed to the sound of your name!" "A name more formidable in sound than in reality," spoke Wolfe, laughing, but cheered and pleased by the sincere and pretty enthusiasm of the winning girl. "When those who have kindly admired me from the distance come to inspect me in person, what a shock they will receive!

"Yes, Master, the big gray rabbit, from the hutch on the left;" whereupon the farmer quite opened his left eye, and said, simply: "I must see that." And off he went to inspect it. The hutch had been broken open and the rabbit was gone.

Vernon Whitford was away on one of his long walks. "There, papa, you see he is not so very faithful to you," said Clara. Dr Middleton stood frowning over MS notes on the table, in Vernon's handwriting. He flung up the hair from his forehead and dropped into a seat to inspect them closely. He was now immoveable. Clara was obliged to leave him there.