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In some cases evidently the jurors entered into such details of the live stock maintained by the manor as to justify the indignant words of the Saxon chronicler, that not "an ox nor a cow nor a swine was left that was not set down in his writing." The object of all this is plain enough. It was an assessment of the property of the kingdom for purposes of taxation.

"Do you love him?" he asked, abruptly and harshly. Winsome looked indignant and surprised. Her love, laid away in the depths of her heart, was sacred, and not thus to be at the mercy of every rude questioner. But as her eye rested on Allan Welsh, the unmistakable accent of sincerity took hold on her that accent which may ask all things and not be blamed.

At the sight of the Duc d'Orleans, whose reconciliation with the king had not as yet transpired, astonishment and horror appeared on every face, and an indignant murmur followed the announcement of his name. The crowd opened and shrank from him, as though his touch was odious to them. In vain did he seek one glance of respect or welcome amongst all these gloomy visages.

With such an ally at my back, the chances of failure seemed almost negligible. We always did think it would come to something of this kind; eh, Jack?" "He always was a bad egg, sir," said my cousin. "I don't mind betting he hasn't brushed his beard." "And that limp!" added Sir Francis. "Gad, I believe he's been kicked downstairs by an indignant husband!"

Here arose an indignant murmur among the councillors and at last, being exhorted by the burgomaster, and feeling themselves the unworthiness of the opposition, they took possession of their former places." The people's priest began now by referring to the internal harmony of Zurich and her peaceful position toward foreign countries.

Then he gave her a laughing description of his attempt to cook breakfast for himself and the ten children at the Masons that morning. The old woman was proudly indignant, "Dem po'r triflin' white trash! To think o' yo' doin' that to sech as them! Ain't no sense 'tall in sech doin's, no how, Mars Harry. What right dey got to ax yo', any how?

The Protestant missionary societies throughout Europe and America were indignant at this conduct of a civilised nation. In consequence of the representations of England, France desisted from her attacks on the other islands, but Tahiti fell into her power in 1846. The French, however, could not turn the people from the simple faith they had learned from the English missionaries.

He continued smoking his pipe all the time I was speaking; but I had no sooner finished, than, taking his pipe from his mouth, and tossing up the sleeve of his cloak with an indignant air "Sit down," said he; "you shall have everything restored to you; I have sworn it:" and then turning to an attendant, "Give the white man," said he, "a draught of water; and with the first light of the morning go over the hills, and inform the dooty of Bammakoo that a poor white man, the king of Bambarra's stranger, has been robbed by the king of Fooladoo's people."

His whole being responded to it. "Have you always felt like this?" he asked. Like what?" "Indignant that so many people were suffering." His question threw her into reflection. "Why, no," she answered, at length, "I never thought I see what you mean. Four or five years ago, when I was going to socialist lectures, my sense of all this inequality, injustice was intellectual.

Though she was strikingly pretty, Dave did not note that fact in the first glance. He saw, however, that she was well dressed in the latest spring garments, and that her pose was one of retreat from the man who stood before her. That the man had the external appearance of the gentleman was the \ first fact Darrin observed. Then he heard the young woman's indignant utterance: "You coward!"