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When Ida Locke came to live in a hall bedroom of the untidy boarding-house Haldane for years had called home, it was not long before she, too, quite unaffectedly, took to the idea that the good-natured musician needed "looking after." And since, all her life, she had tremendously given herself to the care of people around her, it was no unusual experience she sought it frankly, importantly.

He kilt 'bout a million Injuns and Yankees and he's name' Major 'cause he's a Confed'rit vetrun. He went to the war when he ain't but fourteen." "Did he have on long pants?" asked Billy. "I call him Major Minerva " "Gladys Maude's got the pennyskeeters," broke in Frances importantly, fussing over her baby, "and I'm going to see Doctor Sanford. Don't you think she looks pale, Jimmy?"

Long Neck, the widgeon duck. And Omnok, the hunter, had captured her two days before, so she would never come back to protect her eggs. Little White Fox stood it as long as he could, and then he came marching boldly out from his hiding place. "If you don't mind," he said very importantly, "I'll take the extra egg, and that will settle the difficulty."

I can imagine no more fascinating task than the careful analytical study of the temperaments of these two animals. Skirrl's behavior has importantly modified my conception of genius. Right- and left-handedness Several years ago Doctor Hamilton reported to me observations which he had made on preference for the right or left paw in dogs. He has not, I believe, published an account of his work.

Twaddles called one morning soon after they had arrived. "I was going to look for you," said Dot importantly. "We're all going over on the ten o'clock boat Captain Jenks' boat, you know. Mother has some letters to mail, and she wants us to take the wash over, that is if Captain Jenks knows any one in Greenpier who will wash and iron dresses.

"If it turns blue," a prospector had told him, "like the color of me overalls, then, sure as hell, it's tungsten." "Well, well," commented Blount, gazing mildly about, for great men do not stop to repine, "and what do you use these big scales for?" "That's for the quantitative test," explained Wiley importantly.

Only watches is useful at sea. Sailors find out where they are by their watches. I don't quite know how, but we could soon find out. Whatcher want me to do!" "I want you to take a little parcel to Sir James Danby's." "I ain't going to carry no parcels," said Bob importantly. "It's only a very little one, as big as your hand. You know the letter-box in Sir James's big door!"

I'll see that all get some credit. Permit no one to approach the prisoners without proper authority." "Your orders shall be obeyed to the letter," said the chief importantly. He already saw his name figuring in the New York papers as having assisted in the capture of a great thief. I cursed under my breath. If it hadn't been for the girl, I am ashamed to confess, I should have cursed out loud.

"As men serve the Deity, to the utmost, or truth," replied the slave importantly. "Archias, the father, it is true, imposed upon us the debt which is most tardily paid, and which people, even in this country, call 'gratitude. We are under obligations to the old man there's no denying it and therefore also to his only child." "For what?"

She stood for a moment with a curious smile upon her face as of gleeful satisfaction at her daring. The breeze was waving the boughs of the apple trees. A rooster with an air importantly courteous was conducting three hens upon a foraging tour. On the hillside at the rear of the grey old barn the red leaves of a creeper flamed amid the summer foliage.