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When the motions of any vessels become retrograde, less heat of the body is produced; for in paroxysms of vomiting, of hysteric affections, of diabetes, of asthma, the extremities of the body are cold: hence we may conclude, that these symptoms arise from the debility of the parts in action; for an increase of muscular action is always attended with increase of heat.

There was nothing ever heard of like it; it could not be; she was ill, she would outgrow all these singularities; he had had an aunt who was peculiar; he had heard that hysteric girls showed the strangest forms of moral obliquity for a time, but came right at last. She would change all at once, when her health got more firmly settled in the course of her growth.

It is probably on a hysteric basis also that somnambulic states arise during the night, and from them a straight way leads to those mental attacks after which the memory is entirely lost, or for which fundamental associative connections are cut off. And from here we come to the exceptional cases of alternating personality.

Hard and unco' cold be they, where there is no warmth to meet the yearning soul beneath, that would give all and ten times more for one glint of a loving eye, one word from a tender lip. Again she had one of those hysteric bursts of tears, but she laughed herself back, crying, 'But what is the treason wifie saying of her gudeman her Louis, that never yet said a rough word to his Meg?

I knew one young fellow, a good many years ago, by the name of Hiram What's got into you, Cousin, said our landlady, to look so? There! you 've upset your teacup! It suddenly occurred to me what I had been doing, and I saw the poor woman had her hand at her throat; she was half-choking with the "hysteric ball," a very odd symptom, as you know, which nervous women often complain of.

She sobbed once or twice, then laughed convulsively; and flung herself on the bed, where she worked out a set hysteric spasm as she best might, without anybody to rub her hands and see that she did not hurt herself.

A sort of hysteric twitching that went through the frame of Cynthia Badlam dimly suggested to the old nurse that she was not making her slightly indiscreet personality much better by her explanations.

He'll bolt with some of your old friends!" She turned a quick, scared face upon him for an instant. But only for an instant. Her hysteric little laugh returned, at once, followed by her weary, worried look. "No, Jack, you don't know him! If it was only that! He cares only for me in his own way, and," she stammered as she went on, "I've no luck in making him happy." She stopped.

In the dead silence that ensued a silence so profound that we could hear the horses in the distant stable-yard rattling their harness one of the younger "Excelsior" boys burst into a hysteric laugh, but the fierce eye of Yuba Bill was down upon him, and seemed to instantly stiffen him into a silent, grinning mask. The young girl, however, took no note of it.

Too angry to doubt of or examine his reasons, convinced of his own humanity, and his desire to see and make her happy, such an accusation he considered so violently unjust as to be unpardonable. It must be owned, she did not confine her grief to weeping; she was often seized with fits of hysteric passion, in which the most outrageous and false accusations were indulged.