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"Yes, Deck!" answered the girl, with a coarse familiarity, "but you see I am here! And you? I thought you were in " "Hush-h-h!" said the man, in a quick, sharp, decided tone, prolonged almost to be a hiss. "That will do! Now use some of these pins quick, fasten up your skirt, and then go with me!"

Pendleton's limbs were beginning to feel loggy and numb because of the chill and the continued inaction. He had ventured to stir them a little, and was wrapping the heavy blanket more closely about himself, when he felt Ashton-Kirk's hand upon his shoulder. "Hush-h-h!" said the investigator in a whisper.

Just then the unfortunate child that had been moving restlessly began to wail. Well it might, poor, starved thing! "'What's that? says the miscreant under his breath and stopping short. "'It ain't nothing, sir, says I, and 'Hush-h-h' to the baby. But the poor little wretch raised a squall. "'What is the meaning of this? 'says he. 'Where did that child come from?

Sensation in a good many fingers, that they would like to be applied violently to the ears of the man who could speak in that manner to so sweet-looking a girl, no matter under what provocation. A few hisses and cries of "Hush-h-h!" "Hush-h-h!"

"What? poison?" broke out the lawyer, catching at the old woman's meaning so suddenly that he could not quite control his voice. "Hush-h-h! you fool!" hissed the old woman, rising at once, hobbling to the door and opening it suddenly then closing it and returning to her chair. "You call yourself a lawyer, honey, and do such things as dat 'are?

Her face turns ashen gray she moves round and bends it over baby. "Ethel!" Sir Victor says, his voice stern, "what does this mean?" "What does what mean? Hush-h-h baby, darling. Not so loud, Victor, please. I want to get babe asleep." "How comes Juan Catheron's picture here?" She catches her breath the tone, in which Sir Victor speaks, is a tone not pleasant to hear.

A man can put away the little thoughts. The warm sun thaws his hate; the big winds blow out the flame of anger; the great trees sing only one song, and high or low, it's 'Hush hush-h-h hush-h-h-h!" The voice of the man softly imitated the soughing of the pines. Parker stumbled to his bunk, his feet still uncertain, drank his tea, and slept.

"What, kissing her hand, and he a clergyman!" said Miss Dunstable. "I did not think they ever did such things, Mr. Robarts." "Still waters run deepest," said Mrs. Harold Smith. "Hush-h-h," looked, rather than spoke, Mrs. Proudie. "The grief of spirit which that bad man caused me nearly broke my heart, and all the while, you know, he was courting " and then Mrs. Proudie whispered a name.

We continued to strain every muscle till we were hard upon the whale. Tabor sprang to the bow, and stood by with the harpoon. "Softly, softly, my lads," said the headsman. "Ay, ay sir!" "Hush-h-h! softly! Now's your time, Tabor!" Tabor let fly the harpoon, and buried the iron. "Give him another!" "Stern all!" thundered P . "Stern all!"

"What is the matter, little one?" asked Byers, pulses thrilling under a vague suspicion. But here the sentry, forgetting the captain's caution, interposed with: "I know him, Sir! Hermann Bauer, our assistant quartermaster " 'Hush-h-h!" admonished Byers, frowning, shaking his head and pointing at the child, now staring at him wonderingly, then pouting as she queried: "You no hurt my papa?"