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"But under it all I must say that there seems to be a basis of fact. There's John Gilder, the coachman. You've seen him, Does he look like a man who can be scared easily?" "I should say not," laughed Nick. "He looks to me like a Yankee horse-trader, who is too intimate with the devil and his ways to be at all alarmed about them." "Just so.

When he was seated at the table, in Jourdain's Inn, he set about explaining the affair once more. A horse-trader from Montvilliers called out to him: "Nonsense, nonsense, you old dodger! I know all about your string!" "But they've found the wallet!" faltered Hauchecorne. "None of that, old boy; there's one who finds it, and there's one who carries it back.

We bartered more horses in a month than we had at other times in a year. Ghitza's word was law everywhere. He was so strong his honesty was not doubted. And he was honest. An honest horse-trader! He travelled far and wide. But if Cerna Voda was within a day's distance, Ghitza was sure to be there on Sunday to see Maria.

I told him that might be, but it was very strange to me how he should make such singular discoveries. He then made a full explanation, and I overlooked it all. One day while I was up-town, marketing, the Doctor traded his old English gold watch and chain to a professional horse-trader, for another watch with all modern improvements.

"When you find out who that feller is that Nan's skeered of, you can lay your hand on the man that told Brother Silas on you. But I wouldn't trouble about it none, if I was you. You've got a long ways the best of him, whoever he is, and " But Tom had turned to go home, feeling his way by the wall because the angry tears were still blinding him, and the horse-trader fell back into his star-gazing.

I went out under the trees in the darkness an' stood still an' wondered what had happened to me. Great Scott! me! Socrates Potter, lawyer, statesman, horse-trader! "'With that little captain I could take a city, I whispered, an' I got up an' brushed myself off, as it were, an' walked around to the front door of the great house. "Therein I was to witness an amusing comedy.

Billy's fortunes were now in a bad way, and, in desperate straits for money, he had planned this bold attempt at the highwayman's art with two gamblers, to whom he owed money, and a certain notorious horse-trader of whom he had made a companion of late.

The footpads persisted until the horse-trader came near enough to see that they were black men, or rather white men with blackened faces and hands. Then they sprang up and vanished in the gathering dusk. Tom was conscious when Pettigrass got him on his feet and hastily bound a handkerchief over the ugly wound in his head.

But I hold for his hosses as I would any man's." "A-huh! An' what's your kick?" "Nothin' except you could have fetched them over before the flood come down. That's all." The old horse-trader and his right-hand rider looked at each other for a moment in silence. They understood each other. Then Bostil returned to the task of pulling on wet boots and Holley went away.

Young Pete, happier than he had ever been, wondered if this good luck would last if it were real, or just a dream that would vanish, leaving him shivering in his tattered blanket, and the horse-trader telling him to get up and rustle wood for the morning fire. The buckboard topped the rise and leveled to the tree-girdled mesa. Young Pete stared. This was the most beautiful spot he had ever seen.