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No! it's not his name on both. MRS Holdsworth! The young man has gone and got married. I lifted my head at these words; I could not help looking just for one instant at Phillis. It seemed to me as if she had been keeping watch over my face and ways.

Poyser; "there's Mester Holdsworth has more land nor anybody else on th' estate." "Well," said Mr. Poyser, "suppose we say the man wi' the foulest land shall sit at top; then whoever gets th' honour, there'll be no envying on him." "Eh, here's Mester Massey," said Mr.

Then Holdsworth lifted himself up from between the rows, and said, a little wearily, 'I am afraid I must strike work. I am not as strong as I fancied myself. Phillis was full of penitence immediately. He did, indeed, look pale; and she blamed herself for having allowed him to help her. 'It was very thoughtless of me. I did not know I thought, perhaps, you really liked it.

I was either unintelligible or she was stupid; for she said she did not know, but would ask master; and of course the landlord came in to understand what it was I wanted to know; and I had to bring out all my stammering inquiries before Mr Holdsworth, who would never have attended to them, I dare say, if I had not blushed, and blundered, and made such a fool of myself.

Mary, I hope you will walk over to see after him. Nothing would be so good for him as walking you back, and staying to dinner with you. Go right into the library; he would be greatly pleased. Can't you make some book excuse? And you have the cottages to see. The people inaugurated the boilers with Christmas puddings. 'Mr. Holdsworth told us how pleased they were. And the Norrises? 'Mrs.

I tell you now, as I told you ten years ago, when you pommelled young Mike Holdsworth for wanting to pass a bad shilling before you knew whether he was in jest or earnest you're overhasty and proud, and apt to set your teeth against folks that don't square to your notions.

He looks very ill and ragged; but he is in one of those sullen moods, when no one can get a word out of him. Smith declines prosecuting for running away, being only too glad of the riddance on any terms; so there he is at his grandfather's, ready for any sort of mischief. 'Mr. Holdsworth, said Louis, raising himself on his elbow, 'you are judging, like every one else, from appearances.

Oh, Mr Holdsworth, I am so sorry! He turned his head a little, smiling at her. 'If I do catch cold, it is all my fault for having deluded you into staying out here! but she only murmured again, 'I am so sorry. The minister spoke now. 'It is a regular downpour. Please God that the hay is saved!

Mr Holdsworth often spoke to me about my father as having the same kind of genius for mechanical invention as that of George Stephenson, and my father had come over now to consult him about several improvements, as well as an offer of partnership. It was a great pleasure to me to see the mutual regard of these two men.

And old Mr. Walby was bowing and gossiping with many a patient; and James, with his little brown woman in his hand, was looking after the party of paupers for whom he had obtained a holiday; and Mr. Holdsworth was keeping guard over his village boys, whose respectable parents remained in two separate throngs, male and female; and Clara Frost was here, there, and everywhere now setting Mrs.