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"I hope he wouldn't set fire to the house for that," said Dick angrily. Hickathrift started as if stung, and stared at his visitor. "Nay," he said, recovering himself, "our Jacob nivver did that. He were fast asleep that night, and his bed were afire when I wackened him. Don't say such a word as that." "I didn't mean it, Hicky; but do lend me the gun." "Nay, my, lad, I wean't.

Dick obeyed, and the steaming glass of hot spirits was ready as the wheelwright bore in his load, and the young man was placed in a chair before the glowing kitchen fire. "My arm!" he said faintly. "You wrenched his arm, Hicky," said Dick, "when you dragged him out." "Very sorry, Mester Dick." "Ugh!" cried the lad, who had laid his hand tenderly on their visitor's shoulder.

The girl at the piano never ceased playing. She played mostly by request. A prospective purchaser would mumble something in the ear of one of the clerks. The fat man with the megaphone would bawl out, "Hicky Boola, Miss Ryan!" And Miss Ryan would oblige. She made a hideous rattle and crash and clatter of sound. Terry joined the crowds about the counter.

Now let's get back, for I have a lot to chat over with the wheelwright." The next morning Hickathrift was beaming, and he came up to the Toft to catch Dick, who was feeding Solomon and avoiding his friendly kicks, while he waited for Tom to go over with him to the works. "Say, Mester Dick, on'y think of it! Leave that owd ass alone, lad, and listen to me." "What is it, Hicky?"

I know, lads. Yes, I know." "Well, I suppose it is something like that, Hicky," said Dick sadly. "Ay, joost the same; bud I didn't tell Farmer Tallington as I should go for a soldier, and I didn't turn on my wife and tell her I should go to sea." Dick was silent the rest of the way home, but he shook hands very solemnly with Tom, and Tom pressed his hand hard as they parted at the farm.

"Don't stop me, Hicky. I was running because that stupid constable fellow is after me." "Hey, and what should make you run away from constable, lad?" said Hickathrift severely. "You've done nowt to be 'shamed on?" "No, of course not!" cried Dick, shaking himself free. "Did you meet Tom Tallington?" "Ay, iver so far-off, trying to stop old Solomon, and he wouldn't stay."

"Why, you're carpenter and joiner to the works now, Hicky!" said Dick, laughing. "Ay, lad, that's it, and I don't fear for nowt." It was less than a fortnight after, that Dick lay asleep one night and dreaming of being in a boat on the mere, or one of its many additional pools, when he started into wakefulness with the impression that the house was coming down. "Eh?

"To eat! no, sir," cried his father sternly. "What are you doing here?" "I lost myself, father, and went to sleep woke up in the darkness, and couldn't stir. Morning, Hicky!" "Wheer's my poont?" said the wheelwright. "Close round here somewhere," said Dick. "Go on and we shall find it. But where was the fire?"