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Weary's goin' to set us herdin' sheep agin and I betche there's goin' to be something more'n herdin' on our hands before we git through." "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there was," sang out Andy, as cheerfully as if he had been invited to dance "Ladies' choice" with the prettiest girl in the crowd. "Wonder what hole he's going to dump this bunch into," he added to the Native Son.

"At which that pore young thing cried harder than ever. Well, Jim he up an’ marries the girl an’ it turns out fine. He gets a job herdin’ sheep on shares, an’ she stays with the Rodney outfit till he saves enough to build a cabin. Things is goin’ with Jim like a prairie afire. In a few years he acquires a herd of his own, a fine herd, not a scabby sheep in the bunch.

That rake on tens-up them days would have took care of a fam'ly. But he keeps Jack herdin' him all the time. Otherwise, not bein' watched, an' crazy that a-way, he's liable to come stampedin' over to the Red Light, or some'ers else, any time, an' skeer us up some. "'He's a world-beater, says Jack one day, when he comes over for a drink. 'He's shorely four kings an' an ace.

But when I see YOU not herdin' with that cattle, never liftin' your eyes to me or Safie as we pass, never hangin' round the saloons and jokin', nor winkin', nor slingin' muddy stories about women, but prayin' and readin' Scripter stories, here along with your brother, I sez to myself, I sez, 'Sandy, ye kin take off your revolver and hang up your shot gun when HE'S around.

Haw-haw-haw-w! You'll come in tonight blattin' if yuh don't stay out on the range tryin' t' eat grass, by cripes! Andy had a little lamb that follered him around " "Better let Bud take that herdin' job, Weary," Andy suggested. "It won't hurt him he's blattin' already." "If you think you're liable to need somebody along," Weary began, soft-heartedly relenting, "why, I guess "

"Macdonald's doin' it; that man's got brainds," the cowboy yielded, with what he knew to be unlawful admiration of the enemy's parts. "He's herdin' 'em back in the hills where they've built a regular fort, they say. Some of us fellers caught up to a few of the stragglers last night, and that's when I got this arm put on me." "Have any of the rustlers been killed?"

"Jest tell her for me, will you, that I want to hire her husband to do some herdin’; Leander’s handy, ’n’ can work good an’ sharp, if he is an infidel. An’ I like to have him over now an’ then, as you know, Judy. Leander ’d stop in the middle of shearin’ a sheep to argue that Jonah never came out o’ the whale’s belly.

"Which Boggs, who, as I says, is allers herdin' ghosts, is sooperstitious about old Ryder. That's straight; Boggs won't put down a bet while this Ryder person's in sight. I've beheld Boggs, jest as he's got his chips placed, look up an' c'llect a glimpse of them fiddle-feachers of Ryder.

"Noah has sure been herdin' 'em in," said another puncher. Meanwhile, "Noah" stood in the messroom doorway, arms folded and face beaming. His attitude invited applause, and won it. Eventually his reputation as a "pie-artist" spread far and wide. When it leaked out that he had wrought his masterpieces with a spur, there was some murmuring.

My dear Evangelist brother: i am saved and sanctified praise God O how i rejoice in this wonderful salvashun i was a member of Mt. Olivet church fer 27 yrs. but i never knowed what it was to be saved from sin this summer i was herdin cattle down in the hills about 30 mi. from here and a most wonderful thing happened.