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I've never known an upstate Republican who didn't want to run things here, and I've met many thousands of them in my long service in the Legislature. The hayseeds think we are like the Indians to the National Government that is, sort of wards of the State, who don't know how to look after ourselves and have to be taken care of by the Republicans of St.

Another mutter from Snider; the Professor laughed and spoke again: "It won't make a bit of difference. Bowditch has got all those hayseeds hypnotised. That's where you come in, with your pink whiskers. ... Say, that door's open!" There was a sound of footsteps, and the soft closing of a door. Presently another door closed, outside, and I heard the two men come upstairs.

Pat had already gone forth with the bundle of handbills; he was not only waking up the town, but touring the country in horse and buggy, was agitating the farmers for the show boat was to stay at least two nights at Bethlehem. "And we ought to do pretty well," said Burlingham. "The wheat's about all threshed, and there's a kind of lull. The hayseeds aren't so dead tired at night.

Doubtless her memory holds him enshrined as a person of scientific attainments and courtly address; offering a contrast, I trust, to the uninteresting hayseeds who have come under her purview. And will he not come again? Yea, Jim, mystery and revelation as thou art! he will come again, to lay at thy shapely and substantial feet the trophy of an "Ha-a-a-a-ay!"

Awful stoopid layin' around up there among them hayseeds, doin' nothin'. Jest run down to Jeffersonville to see if I couldn't strike something that'd some life in it." "Well, I kin let you into a good thing.

Likewise my shabby clothes and the carpet bags and satin umbrella must have been accountable for it. Took me for a piker, eh? those hayseeds! I would give them a knocker with "tea money." I left Tokyo with about 30 yen in my pocket, which remained from my school expenses. Taking off the railway and steamship fare, and other incidental expenses, I had still about 14 yen in my pocket.

Hecht and Cousin Parnelia and all." "The President comes," advanced Judith. Sylvia was sweeping in her iconoclasm. "What if he does old fish-mouth! He's nobody he's a rough-neck himself. He used to be a Baptist minister. He's only President because he can talk the hayseeds in the Legislature into giving the University big appropriations.

Kurt heard men of his own party crawling and whispering behind him, and he saw dim, dark, sprawling forms under the far end of the car. "Boss, the hayseeds have run off," called the man from the flat car. Laughter and jeers greeted this sally. Kurt concluded it was about time to begin proceedings.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to do more," Rodney said, "do anything really, in the way of showing you a good time. As a matter of fact, I've spent every evening this week here in the office." "Oh, I haven't lacked for entertainment," the man said. "We hayseeds find the city a pretty lively place. I went to see a show just last night called The Girl Up-stairs. I suppose you've seen it."

The crowd at the race track upon the opening afternoon of the fair was beginning to assume colossal proportions colossal, that is to say, for San Lorenzo. Beneath the grand stand, where the pools are always sold, the motley throng surged thickest. Jew and gentile, greaser and dude, tin-horn gamblers and tenderfeet, hayseeds and merchants, jostled each other good humouredly.