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A number of hundreds of pupils and workmen were freed from their employments; with these Pentuer shut himself up in the court and worked at preparations. After eight days of hard labor he informed the high priest of Hator that all things were ready. During this time Prince Ramses, who was hidden in his cell, gave himself up to prayer and fasting.

"I doubt not," said he, "that the holy Hator is speaking through thy lips to us. Not only because no man could be so wise and all-knowing as Thou art, but besides I have seen two flames, as horns, above thy forehead. I thank thee for the great words with which Thou hast dispelled our ignorance. I bless thee, and I pray the gods when I am summoned before them to make thee my advocate."

"A forest of false ideas is waiting for your axe," said Maskull. "But will they allow it?" "Spadevil knows, Maskull," said Tydomin, "that be it today or be it tomorrow, love can't be kept out of a land, even by the disciples of Hator." "Beware of love beware of emotion!" exclaimed Spadevil. "Love is but pleasure once removed. Think not of pleasing others, but of serving them."

When they told her that the physician had come, she looked at the mirror, and was seized by a new attack, as it were of insanity. She threw the mirror to the pavement, and cried out with weeping that she did not need the physician. During the sixth of Hator she ate nothing all day and would see no person. When the slave woman brought in a light after sun-down,

Even the divine sun rests when each day is past, while I have not lain down since the first day of Hator." Before he had finished praising his own watchfulness, a police officer entered, and begged for a special hearing in a case of immense importance. "Would that the earth had swallowed thee!" muttered the worthy nomarch.

"Formerly the temples gave us loans at fifteen or twenty per cent yearly, but since, as heir to the throne, Thou wert in the temple of Hator at Pi-Bast the priests have refused us every credit. "If they could they would expel us from Egypt, or, more gladly, they would destroy us. Ah, what we suffer because of them. The earth-tillers do what they like and whenever they like.

On a certain evening the prince, while walking through the gardens of the temple, met a crowd of captives whom Nitager had seized on the eastern boundary and sent to the goddess Hator. Those people were perfectly built, they did more work than Egyptians, and they did it because they were properly nourished, hence even satisfied with their position.

The gods but especially the mighty Hator listened to thy prayers, and through my unworthy lips give an answer, and mayst Thou write it down in thy heart profoundly." "Whence does he know," thought the prince, meanwhile, "that I asked the scribes and nomarchs? Aha! Mefres and Mentezufis told him. For that matter, they know everything."

Ramses fell to thinking, "So the priests looked on him as a frivolous stripling, though he, thanks to Sarah, would become a father today or to-morrow. But they would have a surprise when he spoke to them in his own manner." In truth the prince reproached himself somewhat. From the time that he left the temple of Hator he had not occupied himself one day with the affairs of Habu.

After this terrible oath, which Hiram began, and the second half of which all shouted forth in voices trembling from rage, the three panting Phoenicians rested. After that Rabsun conducted them to a feast where with wine, music, and dancers they forgot for a time the work awaiting them. Not far from the city of Pi-Bast stood the temple of the goddess Hator.