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Kreynborg threw the switch back again. "Der screen is on," he chuckled. "Console each other, children. I am glad you came, Thorn Hardt. We watch der grand refiew of der Com-Pub fleet. Then I turn a little infention of mine upon you. It is a heat-ray of fery limited range. It will be my method of wooing der fair Sylva.

Indeed, only yesterday the French Ambassador handed me the latest report upon the output of munitions in France, and the details of their long-range gun. These I copied, and Hardt has left with them for Berlin." "Truly, we have fooled the Allies exquisitely," laughed the Black Monk.

When I returned to where Rasputin was still seated with his visitor, the latter was, I found, making explanation how he had, after considerable difficulty, traced the woman Baltz at the Empress's orders and taken her to the Palace, first, however, prompting her to seek revenge upon the Prime Minister. "I cannot understand it at all," Hardt added. "I do.

"I have a very urgent despatch for the Father," he said when he was ushered in to me, and he handed me a letter upon strong but flimsy paper, so that it could be the more easily concealed in transit. At once I took him up to the monk, who was washing his hands in his bedroom. "Ah, dear friend Hardt!" exclaimed the Starets, greeting him warmly. "And you are straight from Berlin!

Remain until a friend of ours named Heckel calls upon you." "Who is Heckel?" I asked, surprised at being sent upon such a long journey in that sudden manner. "A friend of Hardt and myself. Do not be inquisitive only obey. When Heckel calls please give him this letter," and he handed me a rather thick letter in an official cartridge envelope of the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Brauer called her into his office at ten o'clock. Peter was at his desk, but Susan apparently did not see him. "Will you hurry this bill, Miss Brown?" said Mr. Brauer, in his careful English. "Al-zo, I wished to say how gratifite I am wiz your work, before zese las' weeks, zis monss. You work hardt, and well. I wish all could do so hardt, and so well."

From the chatter upon the mock telephone the assembly concluded that his presence was required at the palace immediately, therefore they rose and retired, leaving the mysterious Hardt alone with us. Instead of going to Tsarskoe-Selo we retired to the saint's little den, where we opened a bottle of champagne, of which we all three drank.

All the dome of mountains and sky was visible in it. There were dancing motes in sight, which were aircraft. "I haff remofed all metal-work from that side of der room," added Kreynborg comfortably, "so I can dare to turn my back. You cannot short der induction-screen again. That was clefer. But you face a scientist, Thorn Hardt. You haff lost."

"Yes, my name is Lindau," he said, slowly, while he scanned March's face. Then he broke into a long cry. "Ah-h-h-h-h, my dear poy! my gong friendt! my-my Idt is Passil Marge, not zo? Ah, ha, ha, ha! How gladt I am to zee you! Why, I am gladt! And you rememberdt me? You remember Schiller, and Goethe, and Uhland? And Indianapolis? You still lif in Indianapolis? It sheers my hardt to zee you.

"Then Stolypin may know that Alexandra Feodorovna is behind the traitorous dealings of Colonel Miassoyedeff on the frontier eh?" Rasputin, his eyes fixed upon his visitor, slowly nodded in the affirmative. "That means ruin perhaps imprisonment for me!" Hardt gasped, his face pale and anxious. "I might say the same thing," remarked the saint, stroking his long, untrimmed beard. "But I do not.