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And he was he wasn't nuthin' but what he called my my" the sentence was broken while he paused to get the phrase correctly "he was what he called my 'logical custodian." Guiltily Caleb knew that his next question would savor of indelicacy, but he had to ask it just the same. "Still, I suppose his his taking-off must have been something in the nature of a blow to you?" he suggested.

"You treated me like a beggar; don't forget that part of it, dear. Of course I went away." "And consoled yourself with a certain Miss Diana Von Taer. It has lately been rumored you are engaged to her." "Me? What nonsense?" But he hushed guiltily, and Louise noted everything and determined he should not escape punishment. "Diana, at least, is in earnest," she remarked, with assumed indifference.

"Oh!" said the voice guiltily; her fingers trembled on his, and were gently withdrawn. "I was so frightened," she confessed after a little pause, "so frightened that I hardly understand ... But you? How did you ?" "I worried about you," he replied, in a tone absurdly apologetic. "Somehow it didn't seem right. It was none of my business, of course, but ... I couldn't help coming back.

As I was turning my head away who did not wish to spy upon them thus, the woman lifted her face to kiss the man, and I knew her for that beautiful Inez who has visited us here at times, as a spy I think. Presently, too, the man, after paying her back her embrace, glanced about him guiltily, and I saw his face also, and knew it." "Who was it?" asked Betty, for this gossip of lovers interested her.

"I suppose when you've had ups and downs with a man, and been rich and poor, and sick and well, and have lived in half-a-dozen different places, you rather take him for granted!" she added. "Oh, you think it works that way?" Peter asked, with a keen look. "Well, don't you think so? Aren't lots of marriages like that?" "You false alarm. You quitter!" he answered. Alix laughed, a trifle guiltily.

"Would it?" He turned towards her. "But that isn't what you came for not to find work, I mean?" "Well, no not primarily." She made the admission almost guiltily. "But I think everyone ought to be able to earn a livelihood, don't you?" "It's safer certainly," he said. "But it isn't everyone that is qualified for it." "No?" Her voice was whimsical.

A few bids later it chanced that my eye encountered that of Captain Trent, and his, which glittered with excitement, was instantly, and I thought guiltily, withdrawn. He wished, then, to conceal his interest? As Jim had said, there was some blamed thing going on.

He was stooping to seal their compact with a true lover's kiss, when the sound of footsteps startled them. Both turned guiltily, to confront Mr. Harley P. Hennage. "Hah-hah," puffed Mr. Hennage, "at it again, eh?" He stood at the corner of the house, with his three gold teeth flashing in the moonlight. "Kill-joy!" hissed Bob McGraw. "His Royal Highness, Kill-joy the Thirteenth!"

It has already been hinted that at first he was suspected of knowing guiltily more about the disappearance of the fugitives than he would be willing to tell, but there were only a few minds in which the suspicion was long permitted to linger.

Thomas Jefferson pecked his way towards the open door, and the lean figure there started back guiltily; Aunt Olivia did not want to be recognized. "You there under the quilt, Thomas Jefferson?" The little voice put on tenderness. "Because I'm a-going to tell you something. Once Aunt 'Livia gave ME a birthday present and it was YOU. Such a little mite of a yellow chicken!