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Glorious melodies! ye enthral, so that we forget that the sun goes down, and the moon rises. "Herre min Gud hvad din Månen lyser Se, hvilken Glands ut ofver Land och Stad!" See what lustre over land and city!

It wud do thy heart gud to see them walking by Reed water side together, wi' such looks o' happiness in their eyes that ye wud say sorrow could never dim them wi' a tear. Anne will be a year, or maybe two, awder than him; but, as soon as I think he will be one-and-twenty, they shall be a wedded pair.

Some of 'em was right gud." "You will be visiting near enough for me to avail myself of the opportunity?" "Right in the Pigeon House, m'friend. I've just come down t'putt in a few days there," he responded coolly. "They's a young feller in this neighbourhood I take a kind o' fam'ly interest in." "Who is that?" I asked quickly.

"If you ever want anybody to die for you let it be me." "Gud! what a delicate wit! The sweet child is positively tuant," exclaimed a young lady, who was strolling beside them, and whom Lady Fareham had not taken the trouble to introduce by name to any one, but who was now accounted for as a country neighbour, Mrs. Dorothy Lettsome.

They were a' trumps, and they gied me three cheers when I went in, for they knawed that I was out and out a gud 'un. "'Ha! Sandy! said they, 'thou'rt welcome, my canny lad we just wanted you to make the half dozen. Hast thou been at Morpeth? "'Yea, said I, 'and hae just come round by Elsdon to hae a boot wi' thee.

"Eh, gud, your ladyship, do not tell me that you would bury so much beauty among sheep and cows, and odious ploughmen's wives and dairy-women. A month or so of rustic life in summer between Epsom and Tunbridge Wells may be well enough, to rest your beauty without patches or a French head out of sight of your admirers. But to live in the country!

"'So be it, said they; and we sat down in gud earnest, and three glorious days we had, and would have had mair, but that we drank Betty Bell's cupboards dry. The stars were just beginning to wink out as I got my feet in the stirrups, and to confess the truth, I was winking far worse than the stars. However, Dobbin took across the moors, and I was in the high road for my home.

Few words passed between them, for the questions which Augustus felt desirous to ask were checked by the smuggler saying "Now, my canny lad, while ye are here I maun lay an embargo on your asking ony questions, either at me or onybody else. Ye shall be taken gud care on if ye want onything, just tak that bit stick at your bedside, and gie a rap on the floor, and I'll come to ye.

I had fuss enough with Miss Hamilton before I could persuade her to have her bodice cut like a Christian. And even the beautiful Miss Brooks were all for high tuckers and modesty-pieces when I began to make for them; but they soon came round. And now with my Lady Denham it is always, 'Gud, Lewin, do you call that the right cut for a bosom?

Once more he was fully and freely pardoned, his lands, with some small diminution, restored, and the King's confidence given back to him with a too magnanimous completeness. In the Parliament held in Edinburgh in June 1451 he was present, and received back his charters in full amity and kindness, to the great satisfaction and pleasure of "all gud Scottis men."