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He had "done" three calendar months, and when he came out he saw an old grey-headed man, with a bundle. "That," said Ned, "was my godly old father, and the bundle was new clothes in place of my old rags." The country magistrate then came forward, and drew an ironical contrast between the "respectable" people in the gallery and the "thieves" down below.

The contributor to Chambers's Journal proceeds: "It was all very amusing to a proud, stiff, reserved Britisher like myself, to see how grey-headed men with stars and ribbons could cry at Jasmin's reading; and how Jasmin, himself a man, could sob and wipe his eyes, and weep so violently, and display such excessive emotion.

Drive first to Mr. Turnbull's office." Mr. Turnbull was a grey-headed man of threescore, much troubled with lumbago, which made him stoop as he walked. He had a visage of extraordinary solemnity, and seemed to regard every one, no matter how prosperous or cheerful, with anxious commiseration.

Gilbert was in despair, when a grey-headed old man on a rough pony, armed with a big gun, a cutlass, and a huge pair of pistols, came clattering up to the council-house. "What!" he exclaimed, when he heard Gilbert's last appeal; "are none of you ready to go and help the daughter and son-in-law of my old commander, Captain Amyas Layton?

The old steward, and the grey-headed lacqueys endeavoured to assume a look of complacency, but their recent grief appeared through their unpractised hypocrisy. "Health to our young master! Long life," cried they, with a broken and tremulous accent, "to the marquis of Pescara!"

At last the Goddess declared herself satisfied, and Bent-Anat wished to start for the north and join her father, but the commander of the escort, a grey-headed Ethiopian field officer who had been promoted to a high grade by Ani explained to the Chamberlain that he had orders to detain the princess in the oasis until her departure was authorized by the Regent himself.

My trust is in Him, and I fear neither the frown nor the sword o' the persecutor." "Have done, grey-headed babbler!" cried Claverhouse. Lieutenant Mowbray, who still sat with his face from the prisoners, raised his handkerchief to his eyes. "Captain," said Mr.

''Tis nearly four years come Martinmas, said the grey-headed butler, 'since my lady left us. 'And no good has come of it, said the housekeeper. 'And for my part I never heard of good coming from going to foreign parts. 'I shall like to see Miss Venetia again, said a housemaid. 'Bless her sweet face. 'I never expected to see her Miss Venetia again from all we heard, said a footman.

And what if he were innocent besides, what if the judge erred, and the blood of the condemned cries out to Heaven for vengeance? Alas! oh, Mighty Heavenly Father!" The grey-headed giant writhed on the ground convulsively, and smote his bosom with his clenched fists. One could now catch a glimpse of his face.

But now the duties of life began to press upon him, old grey-headed clerks came about the place with messages, young ones brought letters to be signed. It was a relief to be able to turn, if only for a moment, to these matters, for the strain was great: little Nancy sometimes better, sometimes worse, was still spoken of as in a precarious state.