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It was his first thought, then, what a woman this mountain maid would make, and his second that "King" Plummer should continue to look upon her as his daughter she was too young to be his wife. Nor was Churchill proof against her beauty and her blandishments. He felt suddenly that for her sake he could overlook some of Mr. Grayson's faults, or at least seek to amend them.

It is his whim for the moment, and it is only becoming on my part to show that we are grateful for the way in which the boy behaved. By the time a month has gone by, I have no doubt that the boy will be back at the the place from which he came; but while he is at Dr Grayson's I desire that he be treated as if he were Dr Grayson's son."

Notwithstanding the barrier of reserve thus erected between them, Philip Oswald could not but admire the rare loveliness into which Mary Grayson's girlish prettiness had expanded, and again, and yet again, while she was speaking to his mother, and could not therefore perceive him, he turned to gaze on her, fascinated not by the finely turned form or beautiful features, but by the countenance beaming with gentle and refined intelligence.

He was evidently not much impressed by it, yet somehow instinctively regarded it with somewhat of the feelings of an elephant toward a mouse. "That?" answered Constance, taking it off Annie Grayson's wrist before she could do anything with it. "Why, I don't know that I said anything about it.

My father was Judge Breen," answered Jack with embarrassment. He had not yet become accustomed to the novelty of the scene around him. "Now I know just where you belong. My father and yours were friends. I have often heard him speak of Judge Breen. And did you not meet my daughter at Miss Grayson's the other day? She told me she had met a Mr. Breen from our part of the country."

That is to say, he put on his best clothes, stuck a large showy flower in his button-hole, cocked his rather broad-brimmed hat on one side of his head, and went straight to Dr Grayson's.

Grayson's departure, instead of taking part in the last hours of the dance one o'clock was the exact hour these were reserved until those ladies should appear at dinner, when they were made with so penitential a ring in his voice that his aunt at once jumped to the conclusion that he must have been bored to death by the old fellow, while Corinne hugged herself in the belief that perhaps after all Jack was renewing his interest in her; a delusion which took such possession of her small head that she finally determined to send Garry a note begging him to come to her at once, on business of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE; two strings being better than one, especially when they were to be played each against the other.

"Undoubtedly," said Jimmy Grayson, and Harley thought that his voice was a little dryer than usual. Fortunately the members of the committee had their own special car, equipped with many luxuries, and it was attached to Jimmy Grayson's train.

Then they noticed how the boy in the telegraphers' box a boy of their own was working. Mysterious voices, too, began to spread among them the news how Charlie Moore had saved the day or, rather, the night and now and then in Jimmy Grayson's pauses cries of "Good boy, Charlie!" arose. Harley, while doing his writing, nevertheless kept a keen eye upon all the actors in the drama.

Nothing she could have done would more effectually have shown him the hopelessness of his situation than that sisterly impulse. "Good Lord," he gasped, "Grayson's in the hall." "If he comes in I shall probably do it again. Pink, you darling child, you are still the little boy at Mrs. Van Buren's and if you would only purse your lips and count one two three Are you staying to luncheon?"