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He may be starting now." "Not likely," put in Jimmy. "The end of March was what he said. Dad said he couldn't be here before the third week in April." "Oh, well, that isn't long, is it?" said Olga eagerly. "Not when you come to remember that it's three years since he went away. I do think they might have given him the V.C., don't you? Captain Grange, why hasn't he got the V.C.?"

"If you fail me I will stay at home," said she, laughingly. He did not fail her, but at the appointed time went up to the Grange. Some strangers were there, and Mrs. Thornton gave him a look of deep disappointment. The strangers were evidently going to spend the day, so Despard, after a short call, withdrew. Before he left, Mrs.

The only remedy for the farmers was to organize themselves as a class in order to promote their common welfare. With these real or fancied grievances crying for redress, the farmers soon turned to the Grange as the weapon ready at hand to combat the forces which they believed were conspiring to crush them. In 1872 began the real spread of the order.

When she got home Mamma took down the toy lamb from the chest of drawers and brought it to her. She sat quiet a long time holding it in her lap and stroking it. The stiff eyes of the toy lamb stared away over its ears. Jenny was cross and tugged at your hair when she dressed you to go to Chadwell Grange. "Jenny-Wee, Mamma says if I'm not good Aunt Bella will be ill. Do you think it's really true?"

She went upstairs, unable to analyse her sentiments. To be spared the separation would be infinite relief all this prosperity made her exult the fair girl at the Grange was the delight of her heart, and yet there was a sense of falling off; she disliked herself for being either glad or sorry, and could have quarrelled with the lovers for perplexing her feelings so uncomfortably.

"There's a war party of twenty on my trail," said Menard. "If I had my own men with me I should feel safe, but I have my doubts about these fellows. I haven't room for more than two." "What's the trouble? that La Grange affair?" Menard nodded. "I heard that they had a price on your head. There's been a good deal of talk about it at Frontenac.

"It will not be easy, Father; but when was a soldier's work easy? First I must make these Indians believe me, and you know how hard that will be. Then I must convince Governor Denonville that this is his only course; and that will be still harder. Or, if they will not release me, you will be my messenger, Father, and take the word. I will stay here until La Grange has got his dues."

As I looked at the noble and sweet countenances grouped on the bare unadorned walls, the sacred memories of the place rose vividly before my mind. It was here alone that the recluses from the neighbouring Grange met the sainted sisterhood, and mingled with them the prayers and tears of penitence.

The Grange, where he understood Miss Ismay was then staying, lay thirty miles away across the fells, and he had decided to start early on the morrow. That being the case, it was clear that he must make the most of this opportunity; but he realized that it would be advisable to proceed circumspectly.

Twenty minutes later, he took his place in the sleigh that slid away from the Grange, which lay a league behind it when the sunrise flamed across the prairie. The wind had gone, and there was only a pitiless brightness and a devastating cold, while the snow lay blown in wisps, dried dusty and fine as flour by the frost.