United States or Greece ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Augustus, nineteen twenty-eight to this gentleman. Kindly receipt the bill, Mr. Gott, if you please. A mere formality, of course, but it is well to be exact. Thank you, sir. And now, Mr. Higgins." One by one the creditors shamefacedly stepped forward, received the amount due, receipted the bill, and stepped back again. Mr. Peters, the photographer, was the last to sign.

But what hurts me more than all, says Sir Percival, 'is the desecration that has been done to this splendid Rindslosh the confiscation of its halberdier to serve menially at the banquet board. "Even I could see that this stuff was piffle; but it caught the boss. "'Mein Gott, says he, 'you vas right. Ein halberdier have not got der right to dish up soup. Him I vill not discharge.

"Why, the emperor has just issued a decree, providing that in future he shall have the use of the nobiliary particle; from henceforth he will have the right to call himself 'Von Gott'." "Step right in, your excellency," interrupted St. Peter. "I am very sure the new Graf will be much gratified to learn of the honor done him. Third door to the right. Mind the step. Thank you."

Now the rain had ceased, but the mist was as dense as before. Also they seemed to have got among bush, for wet leaves brushed their faces. Utterly exhausted they stumbled forward, till suddenly Benita felt her horse stop as though a hand had seized its bridle, and heard a man's voice, speaking with a foreign accent, say: "Mein Gott! Where are you going?"

They were fitted with warm clothes supplied by the American sailors, and in other ways made to feel that, pirates though they were, and murderers as well, the American seafaring man knew how to be magnanimous. The submarine bore no number nor other distinguishing marks, but her life-belts were marked on one side "Kaiser," and on the other "Gott."

"About your father, about the toys, about the Germany that is dead." He was glad to tell her. It poured forth, with now and then an offending phrase, "Gott in Himmel, do they think we have forgotten? My father came to America because he loved freedom he fought in the Civil War for freedom he loves freedom still; and over there they are fighting for slavery.

Vat can you expect for to come to, Master Caxton, if you don't pay de care dat is proper to your own dood name, de e, and de o? Ach? let me see no more of your vile corruptions! Mein Gott! Pi! ven de name is Pei!" The next post brought a sad damper to my scholastic exultation. The letter ran thus:

The more cases this goose grease is used in, the better luck it brings to the midwife, and so she keeps it upon her kitchen mantelpiece or stowed away in a cupboard with her dirty clothes, for months, and sometimes even for years. Then they escorted her to the ladder, and Jurgis heard her give an exclamation of dismay. "Gott in Himmel, vot for haf you brought me to a place like dis?

"Do you wish to ask the nurse any questions?" he said. Herr Grosse shrugged his shoulders, and pointed backwards with his thumb at the place in which Lucilla was sitting. "Her case is as plain to me as twos and twos make fours. Ach Gott! what do I want with the nurse?" He turned again longingly towards the Mayonnaise. "My fine appetites is going! When shall we lonch?" Mr.

"Tell me what it is," said the consul, with a faint hope that Karl had volunteered some communication of his past. "Ach Gott! There in America he was a man, and could 'vote, make laws, and, God willing, become a town councilor, or Ober Intendant, and here he was nothing but a soldier for years. And this America was a fine country. Wunderschon?