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Want milk fer breakfus, Mandy Calline? Well, fetch here yer pitcher." A shy "good-mornin" had passed between Mandy Calline and Zekle, and he sauntered up beside her, taking the pitcher, and as they stepped over the bars Father Tyler, hospitably inclined, said: "Take breakfus with us, Zekle? I lay Malviny 'll hev ernuff cooked ter give yer er bite."

"Never mind; but put on your sky-scraper, and come down with me to the grog-shop wot I frequents, and I'll tell ye." "I'll do nothing of the sort; be off," cried the captain, preparing to slam the door. "Oh! it's all the same to me, in coorse, but I rather think if ye know'd that it's 'bout the Termagant, and that 'ere whale wot but it don't matter. Good-mornin'."

Her presence caused Sam to instinctively straighten up and tug at his open coat. He took off his hat with a memory of other days, and said his "Good-mornin'" as the schoolboy does to his teacher superior, revered, and awesome. Yet this new character upon this bare little scene was not of a sort to terrify.

One day he come over to my cabin, jes like I commenced tellin' you, an' he s'lute me wid, 'Good-mornin', Sis' Tamar; I come over to see ef you won't please, ma'am, loand Sister Sophy-Sophia Sanders dat straw broom wha' you sweeps out de chu'ch-house wid, please, ma'am? An' I ricollec's de answer I made him.

Fielding stopped smoking, his cigar in mid-air, and stared with a scowl at the child; but Eleanor, delighted to have found the Bishop, saw only him. A shower of crushed blossoms fell over his knees. "I ran away from Aunt Basha. I brought you a posy for 'Good-mornin'," she said. The Bishop, collecting the plunder, expressed gratitude.

"When I got to the little tent he sleeps in, there he was sittin' in front of it, as smilin' as a basket of chips, and he bade me good-mornin' as if I had been a tenant comin' to pay him his rent; and then he said that before we went on with the business between us, there was some things he would like to show me, and he had 'em all ready.

No hold-outs anywhere. It was a heap long ways to cows; and I'd be teetotally chawed up and spit out if I was goin' to join these minin' terrapins defacin' the bosom of nature. It sure looked to me like hard work. While I was figurin' what next, Dutchy came in. Which I was tur'ble surprised at that, but I said good-mornin' and would he rest his poor feet. "You like to make some money?" he asks.

Mr Philp's just arrived there." On recovering from his previous stroke, Mr Rogers had given orders that, if another befell him, his bed was to be fetched downstairs and laid in the great bow-window of the parlour. There Cai found him with Fancy in attendance, and 'Bias seated on a chair by the bedside. "Good-mornin'," Cai nodded, hushing his voice, and advanced towards the bed almost on tiptoe.

An' when Mis' Doctor Prescott comes, you courtesy an' say, 'Good-mornin', Mis' Prescott. Mis' Abel Edwards sends you her compliments, and hopes you're enjoyin' good health, an' begs you'll accept this bowl of parsnip stew. She thought perhaps you hadn't had any this season." Mrs. Edwards repeated the speech in a little, fine, mincing voice, presumably the one which Elmira was to use.

"Good-mornin', good-mornin'," said the elder, piling his bundles on the counter. "I hope you are well?" Elder Brown extended his hand fervidly. "Quite well, I thank you. What " "And the little wife?" said Elder Brown, affectionately retaining the Jew's hand. "Quite well, sir." "And the little ones quite well, I hope, too?" "Yes, sir; all well, thank you. Something I can do for you?"